Автомобили и ремонт |
Kak rastomaghivazut evropezskie avto v usa? |
Andrei Moosburg |
Moghet bit kto-to podskaghet kak rastomaghivayutsya i po kakim stavkam avtomobili iz evropi v sha. Est li ligoti dlya priezghayuschih na pmg.
Dlya primera u menya bmw850, 240 kW, 1993 goda. Hochu privezti ee v sha. Skolko mne oboydetsya tamoghnya?
Zaranee blagodaren za otveti
Pervoklashka Boston |
Response for: Andrei at 1/2/2003 3:55:00 PM Privet.
V Ameriku privozyat mashini tolko sootvetsvuyuschie amerikanskim standartam, a oni suschestvenno otlichautsya ot evropeyskih. Poetomu, privezti mashinu, ne sdelannuyu s rasschetom na USA, fizicheski prosto ne udastya. Suchestvuet praktika privoza novih mashin iz evropi, no sdelanih po USA standartam. Eto ne deshevle i ne doroge, chem esli ih pokupat zdes. Raznitsa v tom, chto v Evrope mashini luchshe sobiraut, chem, skazhem v Mexike ili samoy Amerike.
Iv Tucson |
Response for: Andrei at 1/2/2003 3:55:00 PM Sdelai search na chto-to tipa "gray import car". Tak eto naziyvaetsya. Vpolne rasprostraneno, ne znau, otkuda Pervoklashka beret info, pohozhe u nee na vse est' otvet :)
Sam ya ne privozil, tak chto luchshe sdelay search, da sprosi u ludei, kto eto delal. Voobsche obiychno privozyat' mashiniy, versii kotoriyh v shtatah ne prodautsya - skyline naprimer. Ili evropeiskaya versiya staroi M3 (zdes' biyla tol'ko 240hp version).. ih obiychno privozyat', esli ne oshibaus', kak collectors cars, chto-to v etom rode. A kak raz tvoya 850-ya serediniy 90-h, v12, v shtatah prodavalas', i mozhno ee zdes' legko naiti. ..konechno esli tvoya tebe doroga, kak pamyat'...
Andrei Moosburg |
Response for: Iv at 1/3/2003 3:20:00 PM Spasibo za otveti bolshoe. No mozhet bit est kto - to kto sam vvozil i moghet opisat process?
Pervoklashka Boston |
Response for: Pervoklashka at 1/3/2003 2:29:00 PM zachem sporit i dumat? vot officialnaya website, gde est otveti na vse eti voprosi.
Po opitu, esli vi ne dealler, vam budet ochen nakladno perevezti vashu mashinu v USA i polzovatsya zdes eyu.
Pervoklashka Boston |
Response for: Andrei at 1/2/2003 3:55:00 PM Vot esche site
A vot site s chastnim opitom i posledstviyami
Pervoklashka Boston |
Response for: Pervoklashka at 1/3/2003 2:29:00 PM Vot tselaya stat'ya, togo, kto imel opit v etom dele
The Importation/Federalization Page
(a simplified 10 step how to guide...)
Step 1 - Commit yourself totally to spending a lot of time and money, make sure you want this car.
The MINIMUM amount of money required to import and federalize a European car is approximately $10,000. (There are exceptions for race cars and display cars, but I'm assuming you want to drive this thing more than 2500 miles per year, and that more than 500 of it were manufactured) Shipping and duty will eat up about $3K, and federalization will cover the other $7K even if the car already has catalytic converters. If you need an airbag added for instance, it will cost you another $4K for parts alone! You must prepare yourself financially and mentally for the MONTHS ahead. No bank is going to loan you money to do this. Check with an ICI/RI to make sure the car you want is eligible for importation, and that they are willing to import/federalize the car for you. Do this before you even start looking for a car to buy... I did. My personal wholehearted recommendation for an ICI/RI is JK Technologies in Baltimore, MD. Very nice folks who do impeccable work.
NHTSA import info page w/list of Registered Importers.
Step 2 - Find a car, preferably one with low miles. Year of manufacture is CRITICAL. Here's why...
If the car is older than 25 years, no federalization required (woohoo).
If the car was built before Sept 1989 and has catalytic converters, no airbag or passive restraint required (only $7K to federalize).
If the car is older than 1996, no OBD2 retrofit required (a very expensive road...).
Unless the car has less than 50K miles on it, get ready to buy new catalytic converters...
Mine was an '89 with 48K miles and catalytic converters already installed.
The place I found my car. (Yes that's my car in the showroom picture!!)
A British used car seller with E30 M3 Sport EVOs and cabrios.
Step 3 - See the car or have it inspected.
Just like any other car purchase, but that much more important because of the $$$. Make sure you are not buying a lemon. E30 M3s are expensive to maintain, get a cherry example and save yourself worlds of grief. Remember though, a few thousand dollars of airfare and hotel can pay for just about anything on an M3 except for the motor. I had mine sent to a BMW shop locally in Switzerland for mechanical inspection in lieu of travelling over myself. I am not an expert, and the trip would have cost $3K. Instead I paid them $1K to inspect the car from top to bottom, tune it up and fix small items. Right now the dollar buys a lot in Europe.
Step 4 - Buy the car.
Most folks will want wire transfers to their banks. Your bank will not necessarily give you a good rate, shop around. If you watch the currency exchange rates, you can save your self a few thousand dollars here too. I managed to hit a 4 month low swing of the Swiss Franc in my favor! Make sure that you get a bill of sale and a foreign title. Without these documents, you are not going to be able to import or register the car.
Currency exchange calculator.
Step 5 - Arrange shipping.
Your ICI/RI can recommend a good shipper. My shipper handled all of the details, even transporting the car from Zurich to Bremerhaven where it was loaded on the boat. They will have you fill out PILES of paperwork for customs etc. Import duty is 2.5% of purchase price. Shipping to the west coast will cost more than $3K.
Step 6 - Clear customs/Start Federalization.
A good shipper will have your car out of customs in a week or so. Mine was out in 1 DAY! You may have to close the loop between ICI/RI and your shipper to ensure a smooth handoff. BY LAW, you CANNOT transport the car or perform any of the federalization work yourself. The car does not even legally belong to you (even though you paid for it) until DOT and
Iv Tucson |
Response for: Pervoklashka at 1/7/2003 2:50:00 PM Prekrasnaya stat'ya. T.e. real'no Andruhe eto viyidet ['93] v vozmozhno novie cat's ($300), vozmozhno chto-to s fonarikami/gauges , nakladki s mph i proch - $100, a luchshe poiti na junk-yard da za chervonets so staroi 850-oi snyat', blago ih tut navalom; za poltinnik mechanic vse eto sdelaet i pechat' postavit... Eto, esli pridirat'sya budut.
Mashina uzhe est', tak chto steps to 5-ogo propuskaem; LOL :)
Transportation - v Rossiu parom stoil kazhetsya $1-1.5k, veroyatno analogichnaya tsifra iz Germanii v US, do paroma on ee naverno sam dovezet, i tut snimet.
Easier, than I thought... ..good luck, man.
...ya voobsche-to govoril pro collector's car, kotorie tiy legal'no ne mozhesh drivit' na public road's ;)
..no poluchaetsya, prosto tak ee privezti tozhe osobiyh problem ne budet.
Andrei Moosburg |
Response for: Iv at 1/7/2003 4:07:00 PM Спасибо за ваши ответи. Рад что не все такие злие в уса ;-)) (если судит по некоторим ответам на других форумах).
Если кто-то всетаки прошел процедуру лично, то напишите.
Спасибо еще раз
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