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Автомобили и ремонт
What kind of Auto to buy: a sport Utility or Van?  andrei Botnar
   What is cheaper for AutoInssuarance, a small car, 4x4, van? What is better (stronger)? Are small cars cheapper in "service"? (I mean Inssuarance, parts, etc.) If you need a car in USA, you need it because it is of really help. How many miles are you naking/year? What is "the best-seller" in 96-97 in USA? I mean number of cars... American, Japaniese, European ...What do you think about this? Thanks, Andrei
   Response for: andrei Botnar at 5/5/2003 6:31:00 AM
Get the z06 !!! if you got kids and not into racing much, g35coupe is also a good choice. $500 should definitely cover payments and ensurance Mileage - this is embarassing but I have to say, since I moved to AZ 16 months ago, I put on my z ~25kmiles (~19k/year) +4k for the trip from MA to AZ :( - most people don't put more than 12-15k, ..25k actually includes trips to places like LA and San Diego, which easily takes 1k miles each. It all depends - how far you live from your job, if you like to travel or not, etc. . ..
   andrei Botnar
   Response for: Iv at 5/5/2003 9:32:00 AM
Chto eto G06 i G35? Andrei
   Response for: andrei Botnar at 5/6/2003 4:48:00 AM
Ne G06, a Z06. Corvette Z06. G35 - infinity novaya - 280hp&RWD
   Response for: Iv at 5/6/2003 11:14:00 AM
vprochem eto ne smeshno... schitat' chuzhie den'gi konechno zabavno, no nado biy summu uvelichit'...
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