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Being Legal in America  FutureGirl
   Добрый день, Xочу задать Вcev вопрос: Какая разница в регистрации семейного бизнеса и корпорации? Может ли семейный бизнес принимать к оплате кредитные карточки? Может ли фирма оставаться семейным бизнесом при любом доходе? Если Вы что-то знаете, или можете посоветовать какой-то сайт, будет очень здорово FutureGirl
   Response for: FutureGirl at 2/14/2003 5:49:00 AM
You don't have to register a private business - only corporations have to be registered by the Secretary of State. The major benefit of corporation is limited liability. But do not fool yourself - if you are a new corporation, the shareholders will have give personal guarantees for any goods/services on credit. The corporation should establish credit history in the same way as a person. Credit card agreements can be signed by any business or person. They are usually signed with the bank where you have business account (or the bank will refer you to their provider). There are lots of providers for this service with different fees and equipment rentals. Shop around. The nearest resource for business regulations is your city's Chamber of Commerce or the office of Secretary of State. They usually have seminars for start-ups.
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