Семья / Дети / Дом |
хочу жениться |
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Ivan Milford |
Srochno pishi v Provincetown, obschee pis'mo vsem zhitelyam - tam tebe pomogut.
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What do you mean? How is life in Kherson now? I am from this city, havent seen Kherson for 6 years. Do not make a mistake, do not leave your native town and look for a wife here, in America, because russian-american girls do not want to marry someone from Ukraine, unless you have a lot of money. Why do you need a wife? Just to leave Kherson? I think life in Kherson is very comfortable even if you have average income. Good luck, I hope someone will respond to you with an offer.
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Ta v Xercone i ischi,chogo tobi ische nado,tam dyge krasuvi divchata(gryd',bedra,i t.d)
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