Green Card |
Wozmozhen li takoj brak???? |
Mulder Panama City. |
Pozhalujsta podskazhite bivalie!!!!
U menja woznikla wozmozhnost zakluchit brak s Amerikankoj .
Mne 20 let, ej poczti 50. Estestwenno ne o kakoj sovmestnoj zhizni reczi bit ne mozhet.
Ona soglasna poluczat dengi.
Ne wozniknet li podozrenij u INS.
Svetlana Boston |
A u vas na ih (INS) meste voznikli bi podozreniya?
Ya ne znayu etoj genshini i tol'ko vam reshat' mogete vi ej doveryat' ili net, no vi sebya obrekaete na dolgie godi... V lyuboj moment ona moget firknut' i skazat': "Ne hochu bol'she tvoih deneg, ya vlyubilas' i hochu vijti zamug za togo, kogo lyublyu". Vtoroj variant ona budet postoyanno trebovat' bol'she i bol'she deneg.... i td
Eto is teh situacij. kogda nado 7 raz otmerit'.....
Good Luck
Oleg xxx |
that's really stupid... I wouldn't recommend it!
Alex Chicago |
Вряд ли возможен. Дураков то нет.
rizhanskii Bay Area |
Prochtite :
Vashi shansi plohi.
user1999 st petersburg |
a esli zhinitsya prosto na tolstoy i nekrasivoy, no takogo zhe vozrasta priblizitelno (i ubedit' eyo samu shto chuvstva nastoyashchie)? mnogo li problem vozniknet s ins?
Slavia Boston |
If you are a guy, 20 years old and she is a girl 50 years old, -- than the answer is YES, INS will be very interested and curious!
If the situation quite opposite: you are a girl 20 years old and he is a guy 50 years old, -- than it might work!
Reality of life!
user1999 st petersburg |
ya imel v vidu takogo zhe vozrasta a ne na 30 let starshe ili molozhe, prost vyglyadet plokho. pomoemu, esli takaya raznitsa v vozraste INS v lyubom sluchae zainteresuyutsya
Boris HH |
Etot brak vpolne vozmozhen, tol'ko budte gotovy k takim voprosam, kak:
- a na kakom boku ona predpochitajet spat'
- a hrapit li ona vo sne
- a gde u nee rodinki
- a kakogo cveta ee nizhnee belje
i t.p.
INS is very curious about that stuff.
Be careful.
user1999 st petersburg |
ty khochesh skazat', shto esli ona nekrasivaya oni budut sprashivat', a esli normal'no vyglyadit -- ne budut? ili v lyubom sluchae budut eto proveryat'? skol'ko zhe vremeni im nado shtoby vsekh vot tak proverit'?
Slavia Boston |
Ooooooooooo NO, Believe me, -- you are so wrong!!!! INS does not care if the lady 25 years younger than a man, but if opposite...........
About the weight, - they won't care at all! Most of Americans are heavily overweight! As well as many of INS representatives! So, don't be afraid, if this is the only thing, -- go for it!
Alina Boston |
posmotri fil'm "Green Card" (1990) s Gerard Depardieu i Andie MacDowell
user1999 st petersburg |
kak ni stranno u menya byli znakomye kotorye zaklyuchili brak s russkimi i kh voobsche ni ochen' ne sprashivali
Alina Boston |
A ti fil'm vse ravno posmotri - horoshij fil'm i artisti klassnie
user1999 st petersburg |
da smotrel ya etot film, pravda davno, neponyatno voobsche pochemu u nikh voprosy voznikli, esli tak k etomu pod'khodit' to nikto ne mozhet takim obrazom green card poluchit' potomu shto nazvaniya vsyakikh tam creamov dlya kozhi u svoikh zhon i sami rabotniki ins navernyaka ne pomnyat
user1999 st petersburg |
what is she is 10 years older and fat
Slavia Boston |
If she is fat, -- no problem!
10 years of age difference is not good.
But, if you will marry here in US and live together in one house, have the same bank account, credit cards, etc., -- than you never know!
If you don't have any other options and really want to try, -- it is entirely up to you!
Maybe you should try to find something more suitable for your age/weight. :)