Green Card |
Please answer as soon as possible |
Aleksandra Tashkent |
Hi. My name is Aleksandra and I need to ask you only one but very important question. My relatives won DV-2004 and they already got their permission to enter into the USA. But they sent their participants' applications through American (Brighton-beach) firm. On the conditions that if they won they would pay some money. They signed their applications and that was all. So when they won (my relatives gave their own address) they paid these money for winning, even though we all knew that this particular agency didn'd do anything for that. They paid money for the first packet, and forgot about this agency. Two weeks ago, after the interview American embassy gave them permission to enter the USA . Then they again heard about this agency, which began blackmailing my relatives about an additional amount of money. My realtives are told that if they don't pay this agency, its people will cancel their green card. Even though we understand that it sounds ridiculously, we are a little bit afraid. can they do this? or they just want to scare us? Please ancwer us as soon as possible.
Iv Tucson |
Response for: Aleksandra at 5/14/2004 12:35:00 PM Brightonskoe agenstvo reshilo pocancellit' green-card - eto zvuchit kruto :)
Tipichnii primer, izvinite, obscheniya bratkov s lohami - viy otdali ni za chto den'gi v 1-ii raz, i poka viy budete platit, s vas budut starat'sya stryasti. Kstati, za chto s vas interesno prosyat'-to, chisto formal'no dolzhna zhe biyt' prichina?
In any case - posiylaite ih podal'she, a luchshe prigrozite, chto po priezde podadite na niyh v sud, tut blackmailerov ne lubyat, glyadish, etih rebyat samiyh uzhe po nastoyaschemu green card lishat :)
Iv Tucson |
Response for: Iv at 5/14/2004 3:15:00 PM Kstati, pochemu biy vam ne privesti zdes' vse, chto viy znaete ob etoj kontore? - i za chto oni vse-taki s vas prosyat.
Aleksandra Tashkent |
Response for: Aleksandra at 5/14/2004 12:35:00 PM Дело в том что моя тетя послушалась "знающих людей" которые свели её с этими людьми. И эти "супер прoфи" пообещила ей выигрыш ёщё в прошлом розыгрыше но не тут то было никто не выиграл. Они уже ни на что не надеясь решили что будь что будет в в следующий раз и выиграли. Договор с этим агенством заключался в том что при случае выигрыша это агетство поможет со всеми необходимыми документами (such as affidavit of support, filling out the applications etc), но после того как они получили часть денег они испарились. Моя тётя занималась всем сама естественно платя за это деньги. Теперь когда она получила разрешение они somehow узнали и требуют остальную часть. Говорят что договор был только за выигрыш ($7,000) и что помогать они не обещали. Мы им говорим что мы не настолько дебилы чтобы платить такие деньги просто за пакет с документами.
НО я всё же не получила ответ. Is it possible for any person to do something with their permission? I do understand that it's quite impossible, but my aunt is upset and worried about it. She has already spent so much for everything that she simply doesn't have this money. However, she almost is willing to borrow some to pay them. Please help us with right answer.
Iv Tucson |
Response for: Aleksandra at 5/14/2004 4:10:00 PM Net, konechno oni, buduchi chastniymi litsami-aferistami, ne mogut nichego sdelat' s ee GC. Ne sovsem yasno, chto viy sobstvenno hotite uslishat', esli i tak ponimaete, chto eto "quite impossible".
Konechno mozhno pridumat' polufantasticheskie teorii, t.e. oni naprimer mogut donesti na vashu tetu. Vprochem vryad li oni sumeut sdelat' eto s umom. Kstati, govorit' mozhno vse chto ugodno, a kopiya dogovora-to u vas est'?
Aleksandra Tashkent |
Response for: Iv at 5/14/2004 4:26:00 PM >>Net, konechno oni, buduchi chastniymi litsami-aferistami, ne mogu
>>t nichego sdelat' s ee GC. Ne sovsem yasno, chto viy sobstven
>>no hotite uslishat', esli i tak ponimaete, chto eto "quit
>>e impossible".
>>Konechno mozhno pridumat' polufant
>>asticheskie teorii, t.e. oni naprimer mogut donesti na vashu tetu
>>. Vprochem vryad li oni sumeut sdelat' eto s umom. Kstati, go
>>vorit' mozhno vse chto ugodno, a kopiya dogovora-to u vas est
Of course, we don't have any dogovor. Yes. it's unprofessional and like people are saying "po sovkoski", but at that time she didn't believe that she could won. Moreover, they wouldn't give her anything. I do understand that they can do nothing, what can they do call to the Immigration and say what????? But I can't persuade my aunt. She is really upset about this situation. This particular man that is calling her is a real svoloch, wno denies everything what he said before.
Iv Tucson |
Response for: Aleksandra at 5/14/2004 4:43:00 PM 1) Ya ne ponimau, zachem viy pishite na russkom forume po-angliiski, tem bolee kogda vam otvechaut po-russki i tem bolee s oshibkami i vstavlyaya russkie slova
2) Ya ne ponimau, chego viy imenno hotite, esli i sami vse ponimaete. Esli sochustviya - Ok. Pomoschi psihologa v ubezhdenii vashei teti? Esli chego-to konkretnogo, to sformuliruite.
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