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Green Card
twenty one years old-at what moment?  Saniya
   hello! I would be very grateful if someone could answer my question. The thing is that this year we( i mean my family) have won green card. We have recieved the first letter same days ago. I am 20 now, but in september i will be 21. Everywhere is written that children should be under 21 but there is no information at what moment. If we are going to send our forms to Kentucky Centre and at this moment I am still 20-will i have the right to particioate? Thanks in advance
   Response for: Saniya at 6/3/2004 4:03:00 AM
>>lo! I would be very grateful if someone could answer my question. >> The thing is that this year we( i mean my family) have won green >> card. We have recieved the first letter same days ago. I am 20 n >>ow, but in september i will be 21. >>Everywhere is written that c >>hildren should be under 21 but there is no information at what mo >>ment. If we are going to send our forms to Kentucky Centre and at >> this moment I am still 20-will i have the right to particioate? >> >> Thanks in advance Try to do everything FAST! Use FedEx. There is a Child Protection Act you may qualify for.
   Response for: Vlada at 6/3/2004 8:56:00 AM
Thanks for your answer, but what is FedEx and where can i get acquainted with this Child Protection Act . If we send all documents untill my birthday and they will choose us-when i am still 20-will it matter that i will be soon 21?
   Response for: Saniya at 6/3/2004 2:37:00 PM
>>Thanks for your answer, but what is FedEx and where can i get acq >>uainted with this Child Protection Act . >> If we send all docu >>ments untill my birthday and they will choose us-when i am still >>20-will it matter that i will be soon 21? FedEx- Federal Express. There is some other services for quick delivery. All rather expensive, but it worth to use them. You have to hurry b/c they only issue visas for this fiscal year. It ends in September (I think). It matters how old you are on the date you get the visa number. You do have some time, so hurry! About Child Protection Act you may read on official immigration site. I'm not sure though if it applies to the Lottery winners, or to family immigration only, or both.
   Response for: Vlada at 6/3/2004 3:15:00 PM
Thank you very much for your answer.But I have an impression that you have misunderstood- we have won in DV-2005. SO maybe the fiscal year does not end this september? Promise this is my last question. Thanks
   Response for: Vlada at 6/3/2004 3:15:00 PM
Thank you very much for your answer.But I have an impression that you have misunderstood- we have won in DV-2005. SO maybe the fiscal year does not end this september? Promise this is my last question. Thanks
   Response for: Saniya at 6/3/2004 5:21:00 PM
>>Thank you very much for your answer.But I have an impression tha >>t you have misunderstood- we have won in DV-2005. SO maybe the fi >>scal year does not end this september? Promise this is my last qu >>estion. >> >> >> Thanks I got your question right. DV program is connected with fiscal year, inlike other immigrant visas.
   Response for: Saniya at 6/3/2004 5:21:00 PM
Da, razumeetsya vashi viziy budut viydavat' do kontsa sentyabrya ne etogo, 2004'ogo ("this september"), a sleduuschego, 2005, goda. Ne volnuites' [po etomu povodu]. Po povodu zhe vashego vozrasta... good luck, no bud'te gotoviy k tomu, chto GC vam ne dadut, tak kak po vashim zhe slovam na moment poyavleniya viz (Oct. 1 2004) vam budet 21... Vam NUZHNO, chtobiy u vas biyla podana petition do momenta vashego dnya rozhdeniya, i esli kto v posol'stve na interview vyaknet, skazat' im ob etom. Poidite na site i vnimatel'no prochitaite INA 203. K sozhaleniu ya seichas ne pomnu, kak eto (podat' petition) tochno sdelat'. Esli u vas est' paket na rukah, to tam dolzhno biyt' napisano. V obschih chertah vam nado podat' dokumentiy i poluchit' receipt [viyzov na interview] do sentyabrya - togda vashe application budet "pending", no bous' sovrat'. Sprosite Kobrina (kotorii Lev), on dolzhen pomnit' ( i pomen'she slushaite Vladu :)
   Response for: Saniya at 6/3/2004 4:03:00 AM
a eto takoj prikol sej4as, kogda russkij s russkim po anglijski ob4aetsa???
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