Green Card |
нужно ли гражданину сша разрешение на брак |
лариса Бишкек |
я не уверена к какой рубрике отнести мой вопрос. мой жених -гражданин сша. мы хотим пожениться в кыргызстане. должен ли он получить разрешение на брак? я слышала, что для граждан некоторых стран это необходимо. и где это можно сделать? у нас в Бишкеке есть посольство сша. должен ли он для этого приехать ко мне или можно всю бумажную работу сделать по почте или факсом? правда ли, что для инициации этого процесса он должен приехать сюда?
Katya Tampa |
Response for: лариса at 7/13/2004 11:16:00 PM vi pishite " мы хотим пожениться в кыргызстане" po faxu? ili vse zhe on priedet k vam - lichnoi personoi? v amerike nuzhna licenziya, a v bishkeke chto? poidite v Zags i vse sprosite tam u sebya....
Genady Westfield |
Response for: Katya at 7/14/2004 12:03:00 PM Hope you can read English...
I got married in Russia. I personally showed up at US Embassy and notifyed them about my intention to marry a Rissian citizen (I'm US citizen) I got some kind of paper from them, not sure, but that what I needed. In also got paper from Foreing Ministry of Russia, then, I went to Siberia and showed it Z.A.G.S people
this paper.
In Z..A.G.S, I got their license for marriage and I had to write expanation why I can not wait their 30 days period . Got married following week and next week file petition for my wife in Moscow. Right now rule may be chanched, go to US Embassy in Kirgizstan and got extra info.
buddy any |
Response for: Katya at 7/14/2004 12:03:00 PM Hope you can read English...
I got married in Russia. I personally showed up at US Embassy and notifyed them about my intention to marry a Rissian citizen (I'm US citizen) I got some kind of paper from them, not sure, but that what I needed. In also got paper from Foreing Ministry of Russia, then, I went to Siberia and showed it Z.A.G.S people
this paper.
In Z..A.G.S, I got their license for marriage and I had to write expanation why I can not wait their 30 days period . Got married following week and next week file petition for my wife in Moscow. Right now rule may be chanched, go to US Embassy in Kirgizstan and got extra info.
лариса Бишкек |
Response for: buddy at 7/14/2004 1:05:00 PM Hello, Buddy. Thank you for your reply. May I ask you some questions? Did you live in Russia when you got married? Our problem is that my fiance can not spend in Kyrgyzstan more than 2 weeks. So my question was:"Is it possible for him to receive papers by mail or fax, fill them up and arrive here to get married?" In Bishkek we have both the US Embassy and the Ministry of foreign affairs. I live here, too. Maybe, it is even possible to start this paperwork and marry for these 2 weeks? It is not our caprice. Just reality makes us look for more easy and quick ways. Thank you for your time.
buddy any |
Response for: лариса at 7/15/2004 1:05:00 AM Hi Larisa,
Marring abroad is a very complex procedure and take time to collect all documents. You should be very patient and prepared for unexpected. Go to US Embassy website in Kirgizstan or call them, anyway to obtain info about marriage procedure, find list of all documents you neeed.
Did you live in Russia when you got married?- Answer –NO.
I had the very same situation and had 3 week vacation.
“Is it possible for him to receive papers by mail or fax, fill them up and arrive here to get married?"
A- Your fiancé can download all forms from web site and fill out and bring it with him. You will sing some forms too.
While your fiancé does his part, you should do yours: Find Certified translater in you city and also Public Notary you need to notorize some documents .
P.S Some experience too private to share , I can be reached at email gadamts@hotmail.com
Good luck,
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