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Платные туалеты в супермаркетах, на вокзалах и в других общественных местах

Guest 2004

Платные туалеты в супермаркетах, на вокзалах и в других общественных местах - лицо и позор современной России. А как дела обстоят у наших друзей на другой половине планеты? В США, например.

Maria 2004

Zdes voobshe ih net! V Rossii hot platnie est i na tom spasibo.

Guest 2004

Забавно! А где же американцы справляют нужду? Выходит не все так плохо в родном Отечестве! Правда, на мой взгляд, зарабатывать на нужде - грязный бизнес.

lana 2004

платных нет, потому что везде обязательно есть туалет, БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ

Maria 2004

horosho bit kiskou horosho sobachkoiu-gde hochu tam pisau gde hochu tam kakau!

Guest 2004

Mauia говорит, что туалетов вообще нет, а Lana, что платных нет, а везде есть бесплатные. Кому верить? Или, как нас учила советская власть, американцы на все имеют свои двойные стандарты. Говорят в первую очередь то, что им выгодно. Но в данном случае - какая нужда говорить неправду.

Maria 2004

Ia ne obmanivala, ia poshutila))

Iv 2004

Da-da, tut vse s spetsial'niyh diapersah hodyat i esche vseh zastavlyaut yaponskie tabletki po utram pit', chtobiy ekskrementiy v paketikah viyhodili - vot ona, hvalenaya demokratiya, LOL :)

...da-s, on a second thought - davno ya ne biyl v Rossii, esli ee zhiteli uzhe ne mogut predstavit' suschestvovanie gde-biy-to-ni-biylo besplatniyh tualetov :(

Guest 2004

А что пишут в туалетах? Какой фольклор?

lana 2004

и почти то же самое что и русские, только естесно на англ.яз.- love sex money

lana 2004

а забыла сказать, уважаемый гость, в туaлетах есть туалетная бумага, мыло и горячая вода

Maria 2004

Ia videla odnazhdi v Amerikanskom tualete napusano na chisto russkom iazike: ZDES BIL VASIA

Guest 2004

Lana , ты еще забыла написать про целофановый чехольчик на очко :)))

AleXXX 2004

Maria, а Вы в России тоже по мужским туалетам шастали?

AleXXX 2004

Уважаемая Lana, в Ваших словах звучит сарказм и укор по отношению к Вашей (бывшей) Родине... Поверьте, интеллигентный человек останется им в любой ситуации, а наличие "благ цивилизации" достигнутых, замечу, без Вашего участия нисколь не привозносит Вас...

Мы в России, простите, тоже не газетами подтираемся. ))

Iv 2004

Proniknoven'e nashe po planete

osobenno zametno vdaleke.

V obschestvennom parizhskom tualete

est' nadpisi na russkom yaziyke!

lana 2004

сарказма нет, есть только грусть

Katya 2004

Platnie tualeti navernoe tolko v evrope:

lana 2004

а че, есть и совместные, типа для семьи.

Guest 2004

Predstav'te! U v rossii, do sih por, dazhe v gorodah, tualety - tipa sortir, kotorye esche a.p. Chekhov vospeval. Pri mne byl sluchay: dvoe vlyublennyh, noch'yu provalilis' v vygrebnuyu yamu, pol prognil. Dostavali vsem kvartalom, no ne spasli - v tsarskoe vremya yavy kopaly glubokie. Po maloy nuzhde narod prodolzhaet pol'zovat'sya podvorotnyami, zachem tratitsyz na platnye klozetty i gazetnaya bumaga, vse esche, v bol'shenstve othozhih mest.

tbariev 2004

А еще можно в McDonalds'e посикать!

I-75 2004

da ladno vam! tualeti xrenovie v rashke! bil letom!otlichnie tualeti! super!i za gorodom i v gorode! nu i shto shto platnie! nu ne bjot ze ja nadejusj eta summa po karmanu?mezdu prochim zdesja toze takie ekzempljarchiki estj i davoljno chasto popadajutsa! i ne v samix xudshix mestax!toka raznica shto v rossii ix esho ne pomenjali na novie s "tex" vremjon , a zdesja uze uspeli tak zakolbasitj shto luchshe ne menjali!

I-75 2004

zazralisj vi rebjata! i v usa estj tualeti takie shto mama ne gorjuj i ne v samix xudshix mestax! i nu i shto sheto nado za tualet platitj! ne milion ze trebujut! vsjo na xalvu oxota!ponimaju!

Guest 2004

Вот еще - позор...

Не позор, а экономическая необходимость. Деньги отмыть (маленькие, но хорошие) - лучше не придумаешь.

Это вам не Чикаго - прачечные строить, чтоб капусту отмыть.

Всё проще - воткнул сортир, бабку посадил и все довольны, - и бабка с зарплатой, и туалет чистый и сам написал, что в туалет зашло 100 000 человек - поди-проверь. )))

Guest 2004

Signore e signori, buonanotte!

Я дико извиняюсь, а почём сегодня на Руси стоит нужду справить?

220981 2004

Да, в штатах туалет-загляденье. И на сиденье етсь подстилка, и бумага, и мыло.... И бесплатно. Дико как-то думать, что за туалет платить надо в России.

Iv 2004

Chto-to ya ne poimu, kto i gde v shtatah besplatnie sortiriy nashel. Za vse i vsegda kto-to platit. Eto pravilo zhizni v shtatah #1. Esli viy poehali v park i poshli v tualet, to viy zaplatili za vhod v park. V restorane - zaplatili za edu. V magazine - ozhidaetsya chto viy chto-to kupite. V mall'e - viy pokupaete tovariy, vladel'tsiy magazinov platyat mall'u, mall predostavlyaet elementarnie uslugi. Esli ya poehal v down-town san jose, to v tsentra'nom parke stoit public cabinka, chtobiy eu vospol'zovat'sya nado brosit' paru monetok. I t.d. i t.p. Nikto i nigde vashe der'mo besplatno ubirat' ne budet, ne nado fantazirovat'.

Guest 2004

Один из 7-и Комьюнити Парков района с 6000 населением, находится в двух сотнях метров от нашего дома и содержится на деньги местных налогоплательщиков. Вход свободен, за воду, туалет, диспенсер пластиковых пакетов для экскрементов домашних животных, никаких монеток, никуда бросать не нужно. Никого не интересует ваш ID или ваше место жительства. Правда, запрещено сорить и приносить спиртное и стеклянную посуду. Подобных парков в Штатах - десятки тысяч. Такие же условия в большинстве зон отдыха для путешествующих по, более или менее, важным автодорогам. Туалеты с горячей водой и антибактерицидным мылом строго-обязательны в аэропортах, ЖД и автобусных станциях, ресторанах, магазинах, библиотеках, лечебных учреждениях, офисах и других местах скопления публики. В реальной жизни, если вы зайдёте в такие заведения, как Мак Дональдс, Вол Март, Таргет, Филлипс-66, любой торговый центр или даже госпиталь, с целью - использовать их реструм, это не будет считаться неприличным поведением, правонарушением или покушением на чью-то собственность.

At 13.5 acres in size, this park can accommodate the recreational desires of the whole family. It has a beautifully maintained baseball field with a 360 foot center field fence, covered brick dugouts, a press-box, home and visitor bleachers, and lights for night games. The park also holds two softball fields, two soccer fields, restrooms, a playground, and a pavilion. Home to Eagles baseball, the Annual City Days Festival and the summer concert series, the park serves its community well. Whether you come to play, watch, or just relax, City Park is sure to have something for you.

Rules at the Park

1. Alcohol is prohibited.

2. Glass is prohibited.

3. Restrooms and drinking fountains are operated seasonally, April through November, weather depending. Portable restrooms are available during the winter.

4. Park opens at 7:00 a.m. and closes at 11:00 p.m.

5. Please help keep the park clean for all users by placing trash and pet excrement in proper receptacles. Learn more about the benefits of a litter-free community:

Litter Pledge

I promise to do my part to make and keep America litter-free. I promise to keep my house, my yard, my town, my state and my country clean and free of trash. I will throw my trash away and pick-up trash when I see it. I will tell my family and friends about that Pledge. No More Trash!

Iv 2004

Community park oznachaet, chto on prednaznachen dlya chlenov COMMUNITY, kotoriye i oplachivaut ezhemesyachniymi vznosami ego soderzhanie. Esli viy prishli k svoim sosedyam i im, prostite, besplatno v sortir nasrali, eto esche ne znachit, chto vashe der'mo abstraktnie zelenie chelovechki besplatno ubirat' budut iz lubvi k iskusstvu.

Za restrooms na okrainah [state] highway'ev platyat nalogoplatel'schiki [shtata], kogda registriruut svoi mashiniy [t.e. naprimer ya], libo na platniyh highway'yah vse voditeli, kogda na nego v'ezzhaut. Pro magaziniy i restoraniy ya uzhe kazhetsya viyshe poyasnil.


Automatic Public Toilets

A centralized computer system located in the Boston Headquarters tracks the status of the Automatic Public Toilets, which are inspected and cleaned three times a day by uniformed maintenance crews in corporate vehicles.

Our patented Automatic Public Toilets come equipped with built-in safety features such as automatic call buttons, safety handrails and door that automatically open after a pre-set period. The toilets have self-cleaning bowls and floors, which are sanitized after every use.

Guest 2004


A Member of the World Toilet Organization

Automated Public Toilets utilize modern technology to overcome the challenges associated with traditional public toilets by providing the public with a clean, functional and safe facility.

Self-Cleaning, Maximum Hygiene & Security, Vandal Resistant, Low Operating Costs, Prefabricated, Over 500 Installations in Australia, New Zealand and the United States, Unisex Use, Disabled Access (ADA Compliant)

Guest 2004

National Forests and Grasslands

Most national forest system lands are open, free of charge for your use and enjoyment.

Established in 1905, the Forest Service is an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Forest Service manages public lands in national forests and grasslands. Gifford Pinchot, the first Chief of the Forest Service, summed up the mission of the Forest Service- "to provide the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people in the long run." National forests and grasslands encompass 193 million acres of land, which is an area equivalent to the size of Texas.

Guest 2004

Strengthening and Caring for America's National Parks

Remarks by President George W. Bush at Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

The truth of the matter is, God designed this park's beauty, but men and women make sure it remains beautiful. And that's an important part about conservation, it's man's ability to make sure that God's beauty is maintained and preserved. And then when people use it, they use it in a respectful way. The park rangers and the land owners and the local businesses have made it so that people from all over the world can come here and use this place. Because of wise stewardship, this park has flourished. It's good for all of us to understand what works.

We've got 388 national park areas. Now, this includes historic sites, and battlefields, and recreation areas, and monuments, and shores. But all of them are a point of pride for the local communities surrounding the particular site. And they need to be a point of pride for our country, as well. And after all, our park system is the crown jewel of America's recreation system. We've got to do is we've got to get a commitment from the appropriator's in Congress to spend enough money to maintain our parks. And so I'm calling on Congress to spend $5 billion over the next five years. I made that call two years ago. I said, if you're interested in helping us maintain the park system, put some money out there so that we can actually do the job. And Congress responded for the last two years by appropriating $1.8 billion to meet the needs to make sure our parks our modernized and maintained and get the needed repairs to make the parks accessible to the people. And this year's budget, this year's request I put in $1.1 billion. And I plan on asking $2.2 billion total for '05 and '06, so that we spend $5 billion on maintenance projects and repair projects in the park system all across the country. We want the toilets to flush. (Laughter.) We want the potholes to be taken out of the parking lot. Whatever the problem is, we need to address it so that the people, when it comes to using their own park, are able to do so in a comfortable way.

Guest 2004


Public conveniences in America must be sought out. Do as Americans do and seek out facilities at airports, restaurants, museums, libraries and department stores. You may also walk into any hotel and take advantage of facilities tucked into an inconspicuous corner of the lobby. You never need to be a guest at the hotel; nobody will question your right to be there. One reason for the difficulty in finding public conveniences is the American fondness for concealing their purpose with a mystifying variety of euphemisms. The words MEN and WOMEN or LADIES or GENTLEMEN sometimes appear on doors, but women's rooms are often called POWDER ROOMS and theaters and transportation terminals may have signs that read LOUNGES or REST ROOMS. At other times, the words COMFORT STATION will be your clue. There are even restaurants that use no lettering at all, and your only guide to the right room may be a girl's face painted on the door. But no matter how the doors are designated, you will always be understood if you ask for the men's or ladies' room.

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