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can I apply for H-2B without Labor Certification |
Alexei Naples |
I had a student status but my English course was finished in April. At that time I found employer who applied for the Alien Labor Certification with my name so than we could apply for H-2B status to INS. Application for Labor Certification is still in a process and I have not applied for a new status to INS yet (since May). Am I out of status now or am I still legal in a country since I have pending case in Department of Labor with my name? Does INS know that I am not studying any more and, if they do, will that affect my petition for change of status in the future?
Can you tell me if I can apply to INS for H-2B status without Labor Certification, so at least I would do something with INS as well as with Department of Labor? Or it's too late already?
Regarding my current status: on my I-20 I have INS stamp "valid until D/S (duration of status) and there is no any certain date; also on my I-20 I have "The normal length of study is one year....comlete studies not later than(date) 01/15/03. According to this, am I still legal in the US? and can I apply for H-2B without Labor Certification?
I appreciate any help and any advice. Thank You very much in advance!
Pervoklashka Boston |
Response for: Alexei at 12/17/2002 12:16:00 PM poka delo nahoditsya v rassmotrenii, ti legalno nahodishsya v strane. Ti ili tvoy rabotodatel navernoe poluchili bumazhku, chto delo prinyato k rassmotreniu. Etogo dostatochno. Ni v koem sluchae ne podavay opyat na tu ge vizu! Avtomaticheski, oba zayavleniya stanut nedeistvitelni/ MOgesh poprobovat pozvonit im tuda, chto bi viyasnit, kak tebe postupat dalshe.
Alexei Naples |
Response for: Pervoklashka at 12/19/2002 5:32:00 AM Dorogaya Pervoklashka!
Spasibo za otvet!
No ty navernoe ne do konca ponyala moyu situaciu ili ya tak vsyo zaputanno rasskazal...
Ya v INS nikakih application na noviy status ne posylal i v ih baze ya po prejnemu student (kak ya dumayu)
Moy employer podal application na Labor Certification v Department of Labor, no oni nikak ne svyazany s INS.
poetomu ya i bespokoyus' , chto v glazah INS ya stanu nelegalom...
chto ty dumaesh na etot schet???
budu ochen tebe priznatelen, esli vyrazish svoyu tochku zreniya!!!
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