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Need advice!!!How to get to USA  Kate
   Hello to everybody!!! i moved to Germany 4 month ago, hoped to stay there to get 2 education, and live happily. but it turned to be...i dont like here, toooo stable, no chance to get a good job for immigrant, and u will always feel like immigrant there. so the question is. how to get to US. The variant with Uni doesnt go, too expensive. i went to Germany with Au-Pair program, i dont know if it works with US as well, but actually dont wanna be a nanny one more year. I had decent job in St.Petersburg, good experience. I have energy to gain a goal. If anyone can give a piece of advice,how ussually people get there. I will be very gratefull. would be great to know from someone who have already done it being in my situation.. Many many thanks in advance P.S dont wanna marry
   Response for: Kate at 8/15/2003 2:30:00 PM
Vrode tut muzhik na vozdushnom share proboval.. ..pravda on iz Cali biyl... kupil znachit weather baloons is military surplus, privyazal ih k svoemu sadovomu kreslu, vzyal v ruki drobovik i paket s sandwitchami i verevku pererezal... ..opomnilsya na viysote 2 km, ...a potom ego sneslo v zonu LAX'a, pilotiy samoletov, snizhauschiesya dlya posadki, stali soobschat' o muzhike v kresle-kachale na viysote 2km ..koroche emu potom nominatsiu Darvina dali
   Response for: Iv at 8/16/2003 2:45:00 PM
Very funny!!! i kidding and the same time my freinf couldnt get a guest visa for some weeks, and ve been told that she wanted to stay in USA, she had to pay 300$ to embassy just to know that she didnt get visa, becuse they didnt belived she whanted just to visit friend, that was in Spb and it is reality. Lucky u, u managed to do that early Vera best regards,Kate Vrode tut muzhik na vozdushnom share proboval.. >>..pravda on iz C >>ali biyl... kupil znachit weather baloons is military surplus, p >>rivyazal ih k svoemu sadovomu kreslu, vzyal v ruki drobovik i pak >>et s sandwitchami i verevku pererezal... ..opomnilsya na viys >>ote 2 km, ...a potom ego sneslo v zonu LAX'a, pilotiy samolet >>ov, snizhauschiesya dlya posadki, stali soobschat' o muzhike >>v kresle-kachale na viysote 2km >>..koroche emu potom nominatsiu >>Darvina dali
   Response for: Kate at 8/15/2003 2:30:00 PM
Well, I have many friends, and those who got enough energy to learn and to work, now have very decent jobs in Germany. Each and everyone of them is from St.Petersburg. It took them from 2 to 5 years, but it would take them about the same here. America is not a field for Money Trees. Pervoklashka
   Response for: Pervoklashka at 8/16/2003 7:07:00 PM
Hi pervoklashka, thanks for your reply, the problem is not how to find a job here and make money, here is really comfortable conserning job, money, long vocation, though at the moment here is great crisis. i cant stand people here, u have to live here to understand whats that.However i know my situation will improve when i live here several years. I wanna try in US, just to know what it is,in germany and europe itself everything is toooo stable and slow, no dinamic. there are no money trees anywhere, u dont need to tell me that. Kate >>Well, I have many friends, and those who got enough energy to lea >>rn and to work, now have very decent jobs in Germany. Each and ev >>eryone of them is from St.Petersburg. It took them from 2 to 5 y >>ears, but it would take them about the same here. America is not >>a field for Money Trees. >> >>Pervoklashka
   Response for: Kate at 8/17/2003 2:31:00 AM
C'mon... Тебе уже 22, ты пожила в России, и тебе не понравилось. Ты поехала в Германию, ты еще толком не знаешь страну, ты видела только то, что тебя окружает в данный момент - тебе уже все не нравится, потому что ты мысленно настраиваешь себя против - скорей, к твоей мечте - Могущественному Нью-Йорку. А ты знаешь, что иммиграция - это совсем не тоже самое, что приехать - посмотреть? Ты знаешь, что уходят годы, чтобы почувсвовать себя дома? Какая страна будет следущей, если тебе опять не понравится? От чего ты пытаешься убежать? И почему ты так резко отметаешь учебу или брак? Попробуй выиграть Грин Кард... например Первоклашка
   Response for: Pervoklashka at 8/17/2003 3:16:00 PM
da ne znay ot chego begu, prosto kajetsja chto jizn prohodit i skoro konchitsja a tam bez menja stolko vsego interesnogo proishodit. Ja bi v Parije bi ne otkazalas pojit, v Barselone i v Rime :-))))))) ja vot tut podumala moget prinja holodnij dush i dovodit nachtoe do konca, to est zdes, ustraivatsja potom v kontoru s mirovim imenem i razjezjat potom po miru. I piter ni tak daleko. Sales department ochen mnogo peredvigaetsja , a chto dumaesh? Spasibo tebe za feed back mne zdes ne hvataet ludey kotorie v temu vrubautsja, oni zdes kak ne ot mira sego, nu da ladno, nadeys udastsja avtorizovatsja na tvoem forume i rasskaju togda v kraskah, naprimer pro nemcev. hotja ludi vezde raznie,,opjat je vremja Good night katja
   Response for: Kate at 8/17/2003 4:03:00 PM
Люди везде одинаковые, потому что они все разные Первоклашка
   Response for: Pervoklashka at 8/17/2003 3:16:00 PM
А ты знаешь, что иммиграция - это совсем не тоже самое, что приехать - посмотреть? Ты знаешь, что уходят годы, чтобы почувсвовать себя дома? ===================== Анекдот в тему: Новый русский, будучи в раю, истомился от скуки - ни тебе борделей, ни казино, ни крутых пьянок - ну ничего. Испросил у Бога разрешение на турпоездку в ад. Там его абсолютно вежливые и приветливые черти поводили по всем вышеперечисленным злачным местам, и оттянулся он за неделю на всю катушку. Понравилось. Пошел в иммиграционный центр в аду и попросил, так сказать, гражданство. Его заставили подписать бумагу, что он добровольно отказывается от райского гражданства и просит его "принять в члены ада". Как только он эту бумагу подписал, его тут же под белы рученьки - и поволокли поджаривать. Он взвыл - да вы что, мужики??!! А ему в ответ: "А ты, сука, не путай туризм с иммиграцией!"
   Response for: Andrei at 8/17/2003 9:38:00 PM
Hi, I think I got something to tell you. I lived in Paris for a year, then back to Moscow, and now I'm in Boston...permanently...or not... Actually, me too, I do not think it's the best place to live in, though I did not have many problems with settling - won green card and just transferred from Moscow office to Boston. It's same bitter feeling I had when I left Paris. Though when I came back to Moscow - it was not same, and it was harder for me there than in Paris. So I decided to move once again. And again I ended up with disappointment. So, as Zhvanetskii says "may be we should change something in conservatory") - I mean, immigration won't cure your point of view if you do not change it first. I also know that situation in Germany is poor, as well as in the US. Another thing for your consideration - time changes, now it's better in Russia than here (in many cases), and many immigrants are coming back. So think about it once again. Kind regards Anton
   Response for: Anton at 8/26/2003 11:21:00 AM
hey, Anton thanks for ur mail. he- he i guess what it feels like after Paris in US? what have u done actually in Paris? I made up my mind to wait abit with US . and to stay in europe, to get 2 education and then i ll see. I know lots of people come back, but after 15 years there. i guess coming back to Russia, makes sense only when youhave used all resorses here in the west. anyway when u come back with that sort of experience ( i mean in the west) u ll be different. As for me, i guess for me will be really better to live in Russia, hoops...not, somewhere in europe, but work with russia, and make lots ob bussiness travels and get west bonuses!!!:-))) he he, now, i just wanna see and explore the world ,lerning language and get experience. Thanks again. Take care, Kate
   Response for: Kate at 8/15/2003 2:30:00 PM
Da, eta situatsiya mne znakoma- hochetsya kuda-to, no ne znayu gde luchshe i kak louchshe. Vse bolshe i bolshe ubejdayus chto vse zavisit ot cheloveka i togo chto na samom dele emu nujno i chego on hochet. Primer- ya- uchilas v USA- enjoyed it very much, adored it- but had depression every two weeks. Came back home (Ukraine)- hate it, da, ya ne naviju prosto Ukrainu i Rossiyu. Now I regret coming back to Ukraine, even though I did not have a choice. I was in Holland- liked it, but do not think that would like to live there. I vot siju ya v Rossii teper i dumayu- kuda mne podatsya- obrazovaniye est, opyt raboty est, 3 inostrannyh yazyka est. I vse dumayu- v USA rvatsya obratno, ili druguyu stranu sebe podyskat- sovetuyus so vsemi, vyhody ishu. A nado snachalo v sebe razobratsya- chto imenno hochu i kakiye tseli presleduyu,a to potom mojno tak nichego i ne nayti....
   Response for: Olga at 9/19/2003 4:03:00 AM
olga privet, prijatno naiti sosedij po neschastju. a pochemu u tebja bila depressija tam? ja hochu tebe skazat po povodu evropi, zdes ti vsegda ostaneshsja inostrancem, tebe vsegda budut platit menjshe i proch, v osobennosti eto kasaetsja nemcev. obstanovka v anglii poluchshe. ja vot tozhe na proshloj nedele bila v Amsterdame, vot uzh mesto dlja immigrantov, da tolko na 2 den chuvstvuesh chto eto svalka dlja pomoev so vsej evropi. eto ti prava, nado vsebe razobratsja, da vot tolko eto zanimaet vremja, a ego tak zhalko podchas. esli ti bila v US, poprobuj London eto tozhe mesto gde tvoritsja mnogo vsego i krutjtsja dengi, i vse taki evropejskij duh. pishi esli hochesh >>Da, eta situatsiya mne znakoma- hochetsya kuda-to, no ne znayu gd >>e luchshe i kak louchshe. Vse bolshe i bolshe ubejdayus chto vse >>zavisit ot cheloveka i togo chto na samom dele emu nujno i chego >>on hochet. Primer- ya- uchilas v USA- enjoyed it very much, adore >>d it- but had depression every two weeks. Came back home (Ukraine >>)- hate it, da, ya ne naviju prosto Ukrainu i Rossiyu. Now I regr >>et coming back to Ukraine, even though I did not have a choice. I >> was in Holland- liked it, but do not think that would like to li >>ve there. I vot siju ya v Rossii teper i dumayu- kuda mne podatsy >>a- obrazovaniye est, opyt raboty est, 3 inostrannyh yazyka est. I >> vse dumayu- v USA rvatsya obratno, ili druguyu stranu sebe podys >>kat- sovetuyus so vsemi, vyhody ishu. A nado snachalo v sebe razo >>bratsya- chto imenno hochu i kakiye tseli presleduyu,a to potom m >>ojno tak nichego i ne nayti....
   Response for: Kate at 8/15/2003 2:30:00 PM
Why do you think you will like it here in USA. I also had a decent job in Moscow, I came in NY when I was 25, got MBA and I'm still looking for a job (for 2 years). Every potential employer looks at me as if I were from the Moon. They ask stupid questions, as for example, "do you know how to work with computer?" My Russian experience does not matter anything here, even though I worked for a well recognized western company. My advice - think twice before coming here. May be you can achieve much more in Russia. I would certainly do so. And I very much regret I left Moscow
   Response for: Irine at 9/28/2003 6:40:00 PM
ha-ha. I thought NY is better then Nebraska... Obviously not. I'm so naive to think that when we move to the east coast I will stop feeling myself as "limitchik v Moskve". And my case is not the worst here - I'm a CPA, have an american husband and do not have too many language problems. I actually believe that this is my life paying me back for changing an easy life of a native moscovite, highly respected education (MGU) and good paying job for something ephemerical in the USA. Devchonki - the only reason you may want to be in USA is the future of your children. After 5 years in this country my daughter is in top 1% of US secondary school students (per standard US tests) and is filling her application to Harvard right now, as I type this reply. She is the one who will have the future in this country, and as to me - I'm considering returning back to Moscow after she's off to college. By the way - I do know some success stories of Russians in US, and not nessesarily of very young and educated. You need a bit of luck to be in the right place in the right time - either in US or anywhere else in the world. So - Good luck to everybody! >>Why do you think you will like it here in USA. >>I also had a dece >>nt job in Moscow, I came in NY when I was 25, got MBA and I'm >> still looking for a job (for 2 years). Every potential employer >>looks at me as if I were from the Moon. They ask stupid questions >>, as for example, "do you know how to work with computer?&# >>34; My Russian experience does not matter anything here, even th >>ough I worked for a well recognized western company. >>My advice - >> think twice before coming here. May be you can achieve much more >> in Russia. I would certainly do so. And I very much regret I lef >>t Moscow
   Response for: Olga at 9/19/2003 4:03:00 AM
Так так так...Случайно забрела на этот форум и смотрика , как будто мысли мои читаешь..Окончиоа универ..и сижу, думаю - куда податься!!Но счет "в себе разобраться" - это точно!!Главное цель поставить - хочу в Штаты - и все!! Так ведь разум наш все шутки шутить изволит..Меня тут замуж зовуь в Америку..а я чего то выкабениваюсь..Хочу в европу!!париж, Рим, Мадртд..Испания - это вообще для меня рай земной..И понимаю, что вряд ли получится успешно в Европе устроиться!!И что в Штатах шансов всяко больше на карьеру и т п. А в европу, как бы в официантках на все жинь не остаться..ещё и с юридическим образованием!!короче, и колится..и можется и мама не велит!! Девочки, надо нам в другом месте пообщать,!!! Я на этом сайте фиг знает когда ещё буду!!Аська есть?? или ны мыло пишите!! А на Кипр не хотите рвануть??Солнце, море...романтика..Да и с иммиграцией попроще waiting for your riply regards)) ps а на счет России Олечка согласна с тобой во всем..Дерьмо, простите, а не страна
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