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Все об эмиграции
Амнистия   Анатолий
   Здравствуйте,Лев.Правда ли что в скором времени должна быть объявлена амнистия для нелегалов?Если это так,то кто может рассчитывать на амнистию?Заранее спасибо.Анатолий.
   Lev Kobrin
   Response for: Анатолий at 12/28/2003 12:18:00 PM
Не спешите, во-первых. А во-вторых, читайте "New Year News" на моей странице.
Лев Кобрин - имя, которому верят!!!
  Colorado Springs 
   Response for: Lev Kobrin at 12/28/2003 12:54:00 PM
Ознакомился я со всеми статьями в прессе по этому поводу (в том числе на стр. Льва Кобрина) и возникли вопросы: а не получится, как там пишут, что выберут определенную категорию у кого есть семьи или что-нибудь подобное,а простые работяги будут обламываться в очередной раз. Буш ведь сказал четко и ясно: No blanket amnesty. Но с другой стороны, Белый дом заявляет: afford some kind of legal status" to the 8 million to 12 million illegal aliens in the country. Так что будем ждать 2-ой недели января, когда Буш расскажет подробности. А что вы думаете по этому поводу? Ждет нас "реальная" амнистия или какой нибудь "LIFE ACT", который подходит единицам из 8-11 миллионов нелегалов?
   Lev Kobrin
   Response for: Иван at 1/3/2004 3:09:00 PM
Я - не предсказатель. Будет день - будет пища.
Лев Кобрин - имя, которому верят!!!
  Colorado Springs 
   Response for: Lev Kobrin at 1/4/2004 10:26:00 PM
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- In what the White House is billing as an important speech on immigration policy, President Bush will unveil a plan Wednesday that would allow immigrants to enter the United States if they have jobs. The proposal also is expected to put illegal workers already in the United States on a path toward legal status. Ссылка здесь: Конечно все мы узнаем завтра, но я уже начал расстраиваться. Я 3 года хожу по судам пытаясь выиграть свой asylum case, и я не попаду под реформу (т.к я нахожусь в США в принципе легально т.к мой case в процессе рассмотрения), а вот если бы я никуда не ходил, а был бы просто нелегалом мне бы повезло..... Как вы считаете Лев Кобрин??? Подойду я под категорию illegals или нет...??? Вы не предсказатель, но просто хочется знать ваше мнение.
  Colorado Springs 
   Response for: Иван at 1/6/2004 5:57:00 PM
Кстати вот достал прототип закона. Там и про мой статус есть пару строчек: мол все кто в removal proceedings тоже могут подавать application. Ну вообщем читайте и молите бога чтобы так все и было ...так как закон достаточно умный и продуманый. Border Security and Immigration Improvement Act (Introduced in House) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEC. 4. ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS TO THAT OF H-4b NONIMMIGRANT. (a) IN GENERAL- Chapter 5 of title II of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1255 et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 250 the following: `ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS TO THAT OF H-4B NONIMMIGRANTS `SEC. 251. (a) IN GENERAL- The Secretary of Homeland Security may adjust the status of an alien to that of a nonimmigrant under section 101(a)(15)(H)(iv)(b) if the alien meets the following requirements: `(1) UNLAWFUL RESIDENCE SINCE 2003- `(A) IN GENERAL- The alien must establish that the alien entered the United States before August 1, 2003, and has resided in the United States in an unlawful status since such date and through the date the application is filed under this subsection. `(B) NONIMMIGRANTS- In the case of an alien who entered the United States as a nonimmigrant before August 1, 2003, the alien must establish that the alien's period of authorized stay as a nonimmigrant expired before such date through the passage of time or the alien's unlawful status was known to the Federal Government as of such date. `(C) EXCHANGE VISITORS- If the alien was at any time a nonimmigrant exchange alien (as defined in section 101(a)(15)(J)), the alien must establish that the alien was not subject to the two-year foreign residence requirement of section 212(e) or has fulfilled that requirement or received a waiver thereof. `(2) ADMISSIBLE AS IMMIGRANT- The alien must establish that the alien-- `(A) is not inadmissible to the United States under paragraph (2), (3), or (4) of section 212(a); `(B) has not been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor committed in the United States, excluding crimes related to unlawful entry or presence in the United States and crimes related to document fraud undertaken for the purpose of satisfying a requirement of this Act or obtaining a benefit under this Act; and `(C) has not assisted in the persecution of any person or persons on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. `(3) EMPLOYED- The alien must establish that the alien-- `(A) was employed in the United States before August 1, 2003, and has worked in the United States since such date and through the date the application is filed under this subsection; or `(B) is the spouse or child of an alien who satisfies the requirement of subparagraph (A). `(b) APPLICATION FEE- `(1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide for a fee to be charged for the filing of applications for adjustment of status under this section. Such fee shall be sufficient to cover the administrative and other expenses incurred in connection with the review of such applications. `(2) PENALTY PAYMENT- `(A) IN GENERAL- In addition to the fee imposed under paragraph (1), except as provided in subparagraph (B), the Secretary of Homeland Security may accept an application for adjustment of status under this section only if the alien remits with such application $1,500, but such sum shall not be required from a child under the age of 17. `(B) WAGE GARNISHMENT- `(i) IN GENERAL- In lieu of paying the sum under subparagraph (A) upon filing the application, an alien may elect to pay such sum by having the Secretary of Homeland Security garnish 10 percent of the disposable pay of the alien, in accordance with section 3720D of title 31, United States Code. `(ii) INTEREST- In the case of an outstanding debt created by an election under clause (i), the Secretary of Homeland Secur
  Colorado Springs 
   Response for: Иван at 1/6/2004 6:55:00 PM
`(3) USE OF FUNDS FOR ADMINISTERING PROGRAM- `(A) IN GENERAL- There is established in the general fund of the Treasury a separate account, which shall be known as the `H-4B Nonimmigrant Applicant Account'. Notwithstanding any other section of this title, there shall be deposited as offsetting receipts into the account all fees and penalties collected under this subsection. `(B) EXPENDITURE- Amounts deposited into the H-4B Nonimmigrant Petitioner Account shall remain available to the Secretary of Homeland Security until expended to carry out duties related to nonimmigrants described in section 101(a)(15)(H)(iv)(b). `(c) ADMISSIONS- Nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing an alien to apply for admission to, or to be admitted to, the United States in order to apply for adjustment of status under this section. `(d) STAY OF REMOVAL- `(1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide by regulation for an alien subject to a final order of deportation or removal to seek a stay of such order based on the filing of an application under subsection (a). `(2) DURING CERTAIN PROCEEDINGS- Notwithstanding any provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall not order any alien to be removed from the United States, if the alien is in exclusion, deportation, or removal proceedings under any provision of such Act and has applied for adjustment of status under subsection (a), except where the Secretary has rendered a final administrative determination to deny the application. `(e) PERIOD OF AUTHORIZED STAY- In the case of a nonimmigrant described in section 101(a)(15)(H)(iv)(b), the period of authorized stay as such a nonimmigrant shall be 3 years. The Secretary of Homeland Security may not authorize a change from such nonimmigrant classification to any other immigrant or nonimmigrant classification until the termination of such 3-year period. Such period may not be extended except in the discretion of the Secretary and for a reasonable time solely in order to accommodate the processing of an application for a change in nonimmigrant status to that of a nonimmigrant under section 101(a)(15)(H)(iv)(a) pursuant to a petition described in section 218A(a). `(f) REQUIRED USE OF EMPLOYMENT ELIGIBILITY CONFIRMATION SYSTEM- `(1) IN GENERAL- It is unlawful for a person or other entity to hire for employment in the United States a nonimmigrant described in section 101(a)(15)(H)(iv)(b) without-- `(A) using the employment eligibility confirmation system established under section 218A(j) to verify the nonimmigrant's identity and employment authorization before the commencement of employment; `(B) advising the nonimmigrant of any nonconfirmation with respect to the nonimmigrant provided by such system; and `(C) providing the nonimmigrant an opportunity to correct the information in the system causing such nonconfirmation before revoking the offer of employment in order that the requirement of subparagraph (A) is satisfied before the commencement of employment. `(2) CIVIL MONEY PENALTY- If the Secretary of Labor finds, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, a failure to meet a violation of paragraph (1), the Secretary may impose a civil money penalty in an amount not to exceed $5,000 for each nonimmigrant with respect to whom such a violation occurs. `(g) EXTENSION OF H-4A LABOR PROTECTIONS TO H-4B NONIMMIGRANTS- A person or other entity employing a nonimmigrant described in section 101(a)(15)(H)(iv)(b) shall comply with the requirements of clauses (ii) through (vi) of section 218A(a)(2) in the same manner as an employer having an approved petition described in section 218A(a). The Secretary of Labor exclusively may exercise any enforcement authority granted in the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 201 et seq.) to address a failure to meet a requirement of this subsection.'. (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT- The table of contents for
   Lev Kobrin
   Response for: Иван at 1/6/2004 6:56:00 PM
Ваня, Вы зачем нам кодекс-то цитируете? Мы же говорим про новый закон, который уже выйдет чере пару часов. Насколько я знаю, он больше всего коснется мексиканцев. Осталось немного.
Лев Кобрин - имя, которому верят!!!
   Response for: Lev Kobrin at 1/7/2004 2:31:00 AM
>> Мы же говорим про новый з >>акон, который уже выйдет чере пару часов. Насколько я знаю, он бо >>льше всего коснется мексиканцев. Осталось немного. Ну, "вышел" закон или нет, Лев?
   Lev Kobrin
   Response for: Elena at 3/14/2004 12:39:00 PM
Предложения по закону вышли, а сам Закон пока рассматривается. И сколько будет рассматриваться - неизвестно потому что каждый день что-то происходит, что отвдекает внимание от "главного". У них себя "главное" - ни иммигранты, а однополые браки.
Лев Кобрин - имя, которому верят!!!
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