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Fingerprints take twice???-pomogite!!!  Boris
    Rebjata,situacija takaja- venat 2,5 goda.Ne imeju nikakoj GC. Wse punkty vkljuchaja (fingerprints-July 17,2002) sdelal otoslal kopiju. Oct 26 2003,poluchaju pismo na powtornoe (fingerprints). Oct 28 2003-otoslal pismo s kopiej o (fingerprints),i zadal wopros- esli neobchodimo Ja sdelaju eshe raz( na eto daetsja 84 dnja). 02 Dec 2003-poluchaju iz INS pismo Thank you for your recent inquiry.All efforts will be made to respond to your inquiry within 90 days of receipt. Sincerely, Donald J.Monica-Interim Distric Director April 15 2004 napisal pismo w INS s prosxboj soobshitx w kakom sostojanii moj case. April 22 2004 poluchaju pismo- Thank you..........(text same)..90 days of receipt. Sincerely Michael M.Comfort (uve drugoj) Distric Director. April 23 2004 poluchaju opjatx pismo iz INS Notice of Decision to Deny Application for Adjustment You failed to appear for your scheduled fingerprinting appoitment as requested on the fingerprint referral letter issued to you on Oct 22,2003.On this letter you were notified that if you could not go to the fingerprint cener during your schedule ......................Furthermore,Title 8 CFR Section 274a.12(c)(9) allows an alien who has filed an application to adjust status to lawful permanent resident pursuant to section 245 to obtain employment authorization during the period the application is pending.Since your application for adjustment of status has been denied,you are no longer eligible for employment authorization as of the date of this decision because your application for permanent residence is no longer pending. Michael Comfort Distric Director (Chicago) Wot takaja istorija rebjata.Movet kto nibudx napishet,chto mne sejchas delatx. Otwetnoe pisxmo ja otoslal,nu dumaju otweta ne dovdusx.Viwem wmeste- syn, i ee roditeli -officialxno zawerili na bumage u notariusa,da i sosedi menja widjat kavdyj denx za wse eto wremja. Budu wsem blagodaren za OTWET.
   Lev Kobein
   Response for: Boris at 5/11/2004 12:49:00 PM
Vot iidite teper' k Michael Comfort Distric Director (Chicago) i obyasnyaite emu vse i prosite chtoby sdelali Rep[en Case.
   Response for: Lev Kobein at 5/13/2004 11:14:00 AM
>>Vot iidite teper' k Michael Comfort Distric Director (Chicag >>o) i obyasnyaite emu vse i prosite chtoby sdelali Rep[en Case. >> >> Lev! Ogromnoe spasibo,tolxko kak k nemu popastx? I eshe ne ponjal chto takoe Rep[en Case? Esli ne trudno napishite-za wse dokumenty pridetxsja platitx wse snowa,i vdatx.Podskavite PLS,posle etogo pisxma golowa sowsem ne warit. Wsego Wam dobrogo.Xoroshego otdyxa. Boris- >>
   Response for: Boris at 5/13/2004 11:35:00 AM
Lev! Na moe otprawlennoe pisxmo so wsej perepiskoj-dokumentaciej(15 page) segodnja t.e May 13 2004,poluchil otwet iz INS May 10 ,2004 Thank you for recent inquiry.All efforts will be made respond to your inquiry within 90 days receipt.Depending on the complexity of your inquiry,additional time may be required to obtain the information requested. Sincerely Michael M.Comfort Distric Director- Znachit na wstrechu s Distric Directorom xoditx ne nuvno,a nuvno vdatx. Opjatx ne ponjal-imeyutsja u nich moi fingerprints,do etogo byla talaja ve petrushka ,a w konechnom itoge-Bublik s dyrkoj. Budu blagodaren za otwet.(Esli byla u Was takaja situacija,podskavite PLS mne tupomu.) Boris-
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