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Can you please kindly advise us Mr.Lev Kobrin? Thank you! |
Svetlana Sacramento |
Dear Mr.Lev Kobrin:
Can you please kindly advise us on this Late Amnesty Class Action Settlements?
Thank you for your time Sir!
Svetlana B.
Late Amnesty Catholic Social Services (CSS) and Newman (LULAC) Class Action Settlements.
English Español
StatusCommencing May 24, 2004, and continuing for one year, hundreds of thousands of long-term immigrants around the country will have the opportunity to apply for legalization of status under the 1986 IRCA. This legalization opportunity results from recent settlements reached in the Catholic Social Services v. Ridge and Newman v. Department of Homeland Security (formerly LULAC v. INS) class action.
On January 23, 2004, the federal district court in Sacramento, California, approved a settlement of the CSS class action (PDF document). On February 17, 2004 a federal judge approved a final settlement in the Newman (LULAC) case.
The government issued a formal press release announcing the CSS and Newman(LULAC) legalization program on March 22, 2004. At that time, the government also released a public notice explaining the program and made legalization application forms and instructions available in U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services ("CIS") offices nationwide and its web page. All necessary forms are also available on this site.
FormsI-687 (4/30/04 Edition- PDF)
UPDATED Application for Status as a Temporary Resident. CIS WILL NOT accept editions prior to 4/30/04.
CSS Class Membership Form (PDF)
Use this form to apply for benefits under the CSS settlement.
Newman (LULAC) Class Membership Form (PDF)
Use this form to apply for benefits under the Newman (LULAC) settlement.
Form to Gather Declarations (PDF)
Use this form to gather information for sworn declarations in support of class membership and residency applications
I-690 (PDF)
Application for Waiver of Excludability; Supplemental to Form I-687.
I-765 (PDF)
Application for Employment Authorization; Supplemental to Form I-687.
I-693 (PDF)
Medical Report of Examination; Supplemental to Form I-687.
USCIS Forms and Fees Webpage
Official CIS forms are also available for download at the CIS website.
CSS and Newman/LULAC Frequently Asked QuestionsWho is covered under the CSS and Newman/LULAC settlements?
I (or my relative or friend) no longer live in the United States. May I (or he or she) still apply under the CSS and Newman/LULAC settlements?
How do my rights under the CSS and Newman/LULAC settlements relate to my rights under the LIFE Act?
Answers to these and more questions can be found on the Late Amnesty Frequently Asked Questions page.
BackgroundThe Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, created a one-year amnesty program from May 5, 1987 to May 4, 1988. During this time, individuals who had resided unlawfully in the United States from before January 1, 1982 to the time they submitted applications could apply to adjust status to lawful temporary residency and later permanent residency.
The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) created restrictive regulations and policies in the implementation of this program and wrongfully refused to accept hundreds of thousands of applications. In response, the Center brought two class action lawsuits: CSS and LULAC/Newman.
Click here for more background on the CSS lawsuit.
Click here for more background on the Newman/LULAC lawsuit.
Find attorneys familiar with the CSS & Newman/LULAC cases
July 01, 2004
New One-year Amnesty for Many Pre-1982 Immigrants Starts Today
May 24, 2004
Dream Act Reintroduced in Senate
April 22, 2004
Congressman Wants Amnesty for 'Law-Abiding' Illegal Aliens
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CHRCL Websites: centerforhumanrights.org - legalizationusa.org - prisonerswithouttrials
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