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Need to stay here legally for 6 month  Alex
   Hi, I have a question. Right now I am on F-1 visa. But it will expire soon. My question - What is the easiest ( I don't say the cheapest) way to stay here in America for 6 month (my question about immigration to Canada will be resolved by that time) ? I don't wonna return to Russia and go back to Canada...Too much money and efforts gonna be involved. Thank you for every suggestion... Respectfully, Alex
   Podai prosby o izmenenie statysa v INS na tyresticheskyu vizy, polychish 6 mesechev,tolko eto nado delat bistro - vrode za 40 dnei do expiration date of current viza. see : Est y tebia informachiia skolko vremeni beret oformlenie v Canada iz US.
   Spasibo za sovet. Oformlenie ..po ih opredeleniyam...doljno zanayt ne bolee goda..Posmotrim. Vot takie dela. Alexey
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