Страхование |
Strahovka |
Marina Vilnius |
Dear sirs, must be who can advice- where i can do insurance for my doughter. Insurance should be in America,and include psychologican treatment. Must be who knows company or adress, where i can handlie . Pozalusta pomogite, kto znaet S uvazeniem, za ranee blagodariu
Olga Temecula |
Response for: Marina at 7/30/2002 12:15:00 PM V kagdom state svoi ctrahovie companii. I raznie plani strahovania. Esli povezet s rabotoy v bolshoy kompanii srahovka za schet rabotodatelia, esli net individualniy plan ih toge neskolko s raznoy stoimostyu. V Vashem sluchae skoree vsego nugen HMO PLAN. Eto budet znachit menshe platit, no fiksirovannie vrachi.
HMOs leading the way
The following plans, listed in alphabetical order, described quality-improvement initiatives--mostly for seniors--that we deemed above average. We include specific examples. This analysis did not evaluate price or other parameters.
Aetna U.S. Healthcare
980 Jolly Road
Bell Blue, Pa. 19422
800 282-5366
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
100 Summer St.
Boston, Mass. 02110
800 678-2265
6323 Seventh Ave.
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11220
718 921-7898
Fallon Community Health Plan
10 Chestnut St.
Worcester, Mass. 01608
800 868-5200
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
10 Brookline Place West
Brookline, Mass. 02146
800 779-7723
HealthPlus of Michigan
2050 S. Linden Road
Flint, Mich. 48532
800 332-9161
HIP Health Plan of New York
7 West 34th St.
New York, N.Y. 10001
800 846-1514
Independent Health
511 Farber Lakes Drive
Buffalo, N.Y. 14221
800 453-1910
Center Valley Health Plan
300 S. Park Ave.
Pomona, Calif. 91769-6002
800 500-7018
PacifiCare of Arizona
410 N. 44th St.
Phoenix, Ariz. 85008
602 244-2707
Peoples Health Network/Tenet Choices 65
200 W. Esplanade Ave., Suite 600
Kenner, La. 70065
800 631-8443
Rochester Area HMO--Preferred Care
259 Monroe Ave.
Rochester, N.Y. 14607
888 280-6205
SecureHorizons Tufts Health Plan for Seniors
333 Wyman Street
Waltham, Mass. 02254-9112
800 246-2400
Security Blue
120 Fifth Ave.
Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222
800 576-6343
Pervoklashka Boston |
Response for: Marina at 7/30/2002 12:15:00 PM Vi hotite otpravit svou doch v gosti v USA? togda nugno pokupat turisticheskuyu strahovku u vas. Esli ge dochka uge zhivet v amerike, to ona dolgna bit libo studentom, libo rabotnikom, tak kak otdelnim ludyam poluchit strahovku prakticheski nevozmozhno, i ochen dorogo. Rabota ili uchebnoe zavedenie predostavlyaet razlichnie strahovki. Bolshinstvo iz nih pokrivaut tolko neskolko mental visits v god. Est esche ponyatie "Free Care", eto esli dochka dokazhet, chto u nee net bolshih dohodov i nikto za neye ne budet platit. Chto konkretno u vashey docheri?
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