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Расскажите об аризоне!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  esen
   Ребята в июле приезжаю в Аризону город тусон, и хотелось бы узнать по больше. Как там с работой, уровень жизни, зарплата? И как трудно нелегалу найти работу? буду презнателен
   Response for: esen at 6/10/2004 10:29:00 AM
V Tucson'e zharko.
   Response for: esen at 6/10/2004 10:29:00 AM
Topic: Arizona -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expert:Brian Hynd Date:12/12/2001 Subject:tuscon Question i've been thinking of moving to tuscon for a couple of years. please give me any advice any likes and dislikes.. what is the pay rate ou there rents are cheap!!!! is the heat that unbearable? i'm living in mass right now sick of the winters what are the people like? thanks!! Answer Dear Leslie: I have been living out for three years, and I love it here. Pay rates are low compared to back east. I came from Ohio. Scenery is beautiful. The whole state is a wonderland to explore. Northern Az has the Grand Canyon and red rocks of Sedona. Central Az has Phoenix and the White mountains, Southern AZ has the desert, great hiking and to close to Mexico. Your first year, the heat is unbearable, but you will get used to it. You learn to to things early in the morning or late in the day. Temperatures can range in the summer from 80-100's. Don't worry there is air conditioning everywhere. Rental apartments for a one bedroom range for 400-500. Houses are a little more expensive 700-up. No snow!!!!! If I can answer any questions, please let me know. Thanks, Brian PS Arizona Hwys magazine is a great way to look at the state and decide where you want to move.
   Response for: Katya at 6/10/2004 6:45:00 PM
спасибо за ответ но на главный вопрос я не нашел ответа "как трудно не легалу найти работу?
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