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Key West Island  alexey
   Кто-нибудь что-нибудь знает про этот остров (недалеко от Miami). Мы летом с другом едем туда работать с другом велорикшами по Work&Travel.
   Zharko, vlazhno, i dozhdlivo.. tam esche uragannyj sezon nachinaetsia... Da ja by pomer so skuki v kakom nibud' tropicheskom raju!
   kid A
  moscow city 
   А жарко это примерно сколько градусов?
   Odin iz samix fishenebel'nix i priatnix korrotnix mest vo Floride. Srednia temp. v Iune 31 po C, v Iule 32, v Avguste 32. Asadki v Iune 12,9 cm, v Iule 9,1 cm, v Avguste 12,7 cm. Wherever you are right now, chances are the weather is better here in the Florida Keys. That’s true even on a summer day. The hottest it’s ever been in Key West is 97º F (36º C), and that was way back in 1880. At the peak of summer, the average high is 89º F (32º C). We don’t have any super-highways or urban sprawl to radiate the sun’s heat. Not only that, but our islands are surrounded by cooling ocean waters. Wise Floridians from the mainland flock to the Keys on steamy weekends because the air is usually a few degrees cooler here. The water temperature might be in the mid-80s (30º C) but the sea is nevertheless refreshing for swimming, snorkeling or diving. In the winter, cold fronts can bring frost to mainland Florida, but you can be sure there will be no frost here. The all-time record low for Key West is 41º F (5º C) set in 1981. Divers or snorkelers usually get by with a “shortie” wet suit. During these winter months, it almost never rains. By late May, however, the season’s first thundershowers start popping up. Rarely do they stick around long enough to spoil an entire day. You might be wondering about our hurricane season. Thankfully, direct hits are rare for us. The last major hurricane to strike the Keys was hurricane Georges in September 1998. The hurricane season peaks in mid-September and technically runs through November. Storms are almost unheard of after late October. You’ve Never Seen Better Averages:
   A v Alabame kak? Ne skuchno? Toje eshio tot ray.
  moscow city 
   а народу то там много летом отдыхать приезжают? я тоже туда еду ... официантом работать. И ураганы с дождями ... это все серьезно?
   Poslednii uragan tam bil v 1998 godu v sentiabre, i voobshe sezon uraganov nachinaetsia v seredine sentiabria. Naskol'ko ia ponimaiu v vixodnie tam narodu mnogo, tuda priezjaiut jiteli Floridi, t.k. tam ne tak dushno i jarko. A v budnie ne znaiu. Dumaiu narodu budet dostatochno. Eto mesto dovol'no populiarno u amerikanskoi molodioji. Dumaiu skuchat' ne budete. Udachi
   Key West - eto prezhde vsego gay center (lubitelei odnopoloi lubvi). Mest ochen' priyatnoe, letom - zharkoe. Mnogo pivnyshek, restoranov, dorogikh gostinits. Velikolepnui plyazh v Atlantike, no ya predpochitau Meksikanskii Zaliv na drygoi storone, tam mozhno vzyat' vodnui mototsikl - na prokat, i katat'sya - prosto kaif. Est' eshe myzei Hamingway s pary desyatkov koshek. Na Kyby soobcsheniya net. Po-moemy, eto samui lychshii kyrort vo Florida.
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