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Форум Льва Кобрина.
Green Card  Dima Myakushko
  West Springfield 
   Hi, my name is Dmitriy Myakushko! My grandparents saw your advertisement in the magazie called Business-Advertisement! They have a question about a green card! My uncle leave in Asia, in the country called Kyrgyzstan, city Bishkek! They were curiouse if he could have a chanse to get a green card to live in the USA with them! They tried to get him here through the ambassy but they couldn't! What should they do???
   Lev Kobrin
   Response for: Dima Myakushko at 10/8/2003 6:30:00 PM
Tell your grandpas to call me at (305) 792-5663 or (786) 303-8114. Lev Kobrin.
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