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Форум Льва Кобрина.
О новом "законе"  Lev Kobrin
   On January 7, President Bush announced a major new immigration initiative which, if passed into law, would be the most significant change to immigration law in 18 years. The President stated that our present immigration laws do not work, do not serve the economic needs of the United States, and that the undocumented workers who have come to this country seeking economic opportunity have not been treated fairly. The President sketched only the broad picture of what his program would look like. Apparently, it would draw on a bill introduced in Congress by Senator John McCain. The Department of Labor would be authorized to establish a massive job-based registry. Jobs would first be offered to U.S. workers and then to immigrants via a temporary visa program. Immigrants with qualifying jobs or offers of employment would pay an initial fee and receive a three-year, renewable working visa. They would be allowed to change employers and to travel abroad. Although they would be permitted, after a period of time, to adjust their status to permanent residents, apparently they would have to utilize the present employment-based system. The President called on Congress to raise the existing number of persons who could immigrate annually through employment above the 140,000 limit. However, he did not specify what the new numerical limit would be. The President also called for shortening waiting times for U.S. citizenship, increased border enforcement and financial incentives to encourage temporary workers to return to their own countries. The President reaffirmed that he is not in favor of a "blanket amnesty" program. As always, the devil will be in the details. What's in the program for the 3.5 million persons presently waiting in line to legally immigrate to the U.S.? With millions of potential aspirants to the new program, how many years will it take for them to qualify for green cards? Critics from the left and the right immediately attacked the President's proposal. Democratic Presidential candidates criticized the program as "too little, too late" while anti-immigration restrictionists labeled the program an "amnesty" and said that the President was "pandering to Hispanics" in an election year. I am willing to give the President's program the benefit of the doubt. He certainly "talked the talk" today, but will he "walk the walk" in the weeks and months to come? If we see the huge backlogs at the Service Centers coming down, and an eagerness to approach this important issue in a compassionate and bipartisan way, he will certainly have our support. If not, maybe today's speech was simply the beginning of the 2004 Presidential campaign.
Лев Кобрин - имя, которому верят!!!
  cape elizabeth 
   Response for: Lev Kobrin at 1/9/2004 11:27:00 PM
а правда ли то , что это разрешение будет дано только тем , кто приеxал в америку до 2003 года.
   Response for: Lev Kobrin at 1/9/2004 11:27:00 PM
Лев, можно мне, глупенькой, разжевать - ну, предложил он это дело, а теперь что? Сколько оно в среднем занимает, от слов до дела? Может, посоветуете, куда следует заглядывать, чтобы не пропустить малейший апдейт по этому вопросу?
   Lev Kobrin
   Response for: len-k-a at 1/22/2004 10:33:00 PM
Обычно Билл рассматривается Палатой Представителей, затем Сенатом, а уже потом идет на подпись к Президенту. Если президет в течение 10 дней подписывает Билл, или не подписывает, но и не возвращает назад в Конгресс, то он становится Законом. Если президент возвращает Билл, то все начинается сначала. Так что сколько времени займет, сказать трудно. А насчет того, куда заглядывать, чтобы не пропустить, не волнуйтесь - не пропустите. Заглядывайте сюда, и сразу все узнаете.
Лев Кобрин - имя, которому верят!!!
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