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Форум Льва Кобрина.
I would like to see my Mom.  Marina
   I am a citizen of the US. I invited my mother to visit me recently but she was denied of visitors visa. What are my rights? Theyr reasons they gave her- She overstayed last time 5 years ago and she is too pour and does not have evidence that she is going back to russia. They concider her as a potential illigal imigrant. But i want to see my Mom! Please help me with advice. I filed imigrant petition for her, but that may take years before she comes! Thank you. I appreciate your attention. Regards, Marina
   Lev Kobrin
   Response for: Marina at 1/18/2004 3:38:00 PM
You can appeal their decision, but I think tou won't succeed in this because since her daughter is here, her potebtial immigrant intent is obvious. Yet because she has overstayed last time, she is legally inadmissible. The only way to meet her is to visit Russia or some third country for you.
Лев Кобрин - имя, которому верят!!!
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