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Форум Льва Кобрина.
Вопрос о рабочей визе  Zaich
   Уважаемый Лев и участники форума! Подскажите, кто и что знает о рабочей визе М-1(М-2). Хотелось бы узнать, реально ли ее оформить для моей подруги в России. Где можно побольше найти информации об этом? У нее два высших образования- филологическое и юридическое, в настоящее время работает юристом . Спасибо за внимание.
   Lev Kobrin
   Response for: Zaich at 6/3/2004 2:05:00 PM
A nonimmigrant is someone who temporarily comes to the United States for a specific purpose. People who wish to pursue full-time academic or vocational studies are usually admitted to the United States in one of two nonimmigrant categories. The M-1 category includes students in vocational or other nonacademic programs, other than language training. The F-1 category includes academic students and students in language training programs. How Do I Apply if I am Outside of the United States? You first must apply to study at a USCIS-approved school in the United States. When you contact a school that you are interested in attending, you should be told immediately if the school accepts foreign national students. If you are accepted, the school should send you USCIS Form I-20 M-N/ID (Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (M-1) Student Status - For Vocational Students). If you require a visa, then you should take the USCIS Form I-20 to the nearest U.S. consulate to obtain a student visa. Only bring the USCIS Form I-20 from the school you plan on attending for visa processing at the U.S. consulate. You must also prove to the consulate that you have the financial resources required for your education and stay in the United States. Please see the State Department Website for more information on visa processing. When you arrive in the United States, you should receive a Form I-94 (Arrival-Departure Record) that will include your admission number to the United States. An Immigration inspector will write this admission number on your Form I-20 M-N/ID. The Inspector will then take pages one and two of this form, known as I-20 M-N. The USCIS will receive the first page (I-20M) and your school will receive the second page (I-20 N) as a record of your legal admission to the United States. You are expected to keep pages three and four, known as the I-20 ID. This document is your proof that you are allowed to study at the indicated institution in the United States. You should see a school representative if you need a replacement copy of your I-20 ID. You should also keep safe your Form I-94, because it proves that you legally entered the United States. You may also apply to stay in the country after the completion of your studies to pursue practical training. If approved, you will be allowed to have one month of practical training for every four months of study you completed. You will be limited to six months total practical training time. Your designated school official (DSO) is able to assist you in the application process.
Лев Кобрин - имя, которому верят!!!
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