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Форум адвоката Андрея Соболевского.
H1B1 VISA  Igor
   Mister lawyer, I've been living in Russia and have intention to get an H1B1 VISA. I had had several number of applications ( for nonimmigrant VISA - B1/B2 ) to receive a VISA before I've decided ( and got opportunity ) to get a job in US. All necessary documents were achieved and sent to US Consulate in Moscow. I had an intervew and negative result. My employer is real, because I'm going to do my personal duties as pharmacist as I am. I graduated Pharmaceutical Institute in Russia. All the necessary documents and copies was attached to application but result as I told You was sad. I had some appointments to US lawyer through my relatives in USA - same result. Would You like to give me some advise regarding this theme or explain a situation I have at least. I hope for you response and some help. Sincerely Yours Igor
   Response for: at 1/20/2003 3:17:00 PM
Mister lawyer, It was very kindly to give Your attention for my message. From my side I'll try to keep You informed about my case. First of all, I present to Your attention full list of papers from my employer side: There are - Form G-28 ( Notice of Entry of Appearance As Attorney ) - Form I -129 & Supplement I -129H (Petition For Nonimmigrant Worker ) - Form 129W ( H - 1B Data Collection $ Filling Fee Exemption ) - Labor Condition Application for H - 1 B Nonimmigrants ( 2 copies ) - Bachelors Degree - Employment Offer - Check # in the amount of $1110.00 for filling fees in connectio with the above-captioned matter. Moreover there were Evaluation Report issued by FIS (Foundation for International Services, Inc. ) and Form I 797B ( Notice of Action ) issued by INS. All these documents were approved by INS. Besides of this - Diploma, Job History Book, valid Passport and some other documents which were required by the routine from my side. After two rounds of intervew the result were: "Application Received H-1B 214b P6C1 US Embassy Moscow" stamped in Passport and formal explanation of refusal, which include "...only after an applicant shows that he or she has strong ties to a country other than the United States and does not intend to immigrate to the United States does he or she overcome this presumption. In addition, all applicants must show that the purpose of their trip is truly represented and that they do not intend to work while in the United States, unless they have received permission from the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service and are applying for a temporary work visa..." with the same stamp. Hope for Your attention. Sincerely Yours. Igor.
   Response for: at 1/22/2003 7:27:00 AM
Mister lawyer. I'm very gratefull for Your advice and support. Would You like to recommend me a lawyer who can take care about my case, especially with NYC way to get through. And one more question - is it possible for me to get a ticket to NY without visa? Thanks in advance. Sincerely Yours Igor
   Response for: Igor at 1/18/2003 12:08:00 PM
Igor, I "feel your pain'" bro! But please, have somebody fix your English. It is understandable but quite bad. "Mister lawer" might not appreciate your efforts. Elias Lu
   Response for: elias at 1/28/2003 9:32:00 PM
Would You like to advise me how could I call You better. Unfortunately I have not somebody, who can fix my English. Anyway, could You please to answer to my last question. Sincerely Yours Igor
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