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Форум адвоката Андрея Соболевского.
Obtaining Green Card with H1B status  Karina
   hi, I work in Boston and currently am on H1B status, which I was granted for the period of Nov.2002-Nov.2005. I would like to stay in US, but am not sure how I can apply for Green Card. Does my employer have to petition for me? Or can I do it by myself? How does the process of obtaining residency (Green Card) work in general? If I hired now, what documents would I need to provide my lawyer with to make a strong case and what fees are applicable to the process? Thank you in advance!
   Response for: Karina at 6/15/2003 8:14:00 AM
Hi Karina I work in Boston too. Just wanted to know if you already applied for your green card because I am in the same situation. I am on an H1B and would like to apply for a green card.
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