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Форум адвоката Андрея Соболевского.
Wages  Vitaliy
   Hi I with my friend came to USA as J-1 applicants, we work in agriculture. We earn 800$ per months, and work 60 hours per week. We found information that the state minimum is 6.75$ per hour, and the trainees should get at least 85%? We pay all fees by ourselfs ( food and others). In our checks there no information about how many hours we work. So the question is our salary legal or they break the law? And another question if we go out and will be working not legal for several months what is the most terrible punishment for us?
   Andre Sobolevsky
  New York 
   Response for: Vitaliy at 8/12/2003 8:29:00 PM
I can not advise you on the wages. If you work without BCIS work authorization and get caught you will face Removal Proceedings in the Immigration Court (Deportation).
   Response for: Vitaliy at 8/12/2003 8:29:00 PM
Ребята, а зачем же вы там работаете за $3.30 в час? Нормальная зарплата у студентов от $6-$10
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