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Форум адвоката Андрея Соболевского.
getting medical recidency with the conditional GC  natasha
   Hi - I'm a US citizen and getting married to a German citizen who is an MD. Could you please advise if it will be an issue for him to get a medical residency with the conditional GC. Thanks a lot, Natasha
   Andre Sobolevsky Esq
   Response for: natasha at 10/17/2003 5:45:00 AM
Not a forum question. You can certainly bring him in and get him work authorization without a problem. However, prior to obtaining employement or residency in medical field he will have to comply with other rquirements. Good Luck.
   Andre Sobolevsky Esq
   Response for: natasha at 10/17/2003 5:45:00 AM
No, it should not be a problem, if your spouse otherwise qualifies.
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