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Fresh TB test result

Alla 2004

Each time I apply for a new job I need to provide the employer with a fresh TB test result.My tb test is always positive. Can I make it negative? I mean are there any ways of alleviating inflamation and redness?! I hate to make more than one xray per year. Although the xray technichian told me that there is no need to worry, the radiation is very low, I would rather avoid it.

CBETA 2004

У меня похожая ситуация - скин-тест положительный, рентген - отрицательный. Кто-то упоминал, что это реакция на прививку от ТБ, которую, возможно, делали в детстве. Можно об этом побольше узнать? (у меня не сохранились детские мед карты) Всем детям делали прививки в СССР? в каком возрасте?

Мне мой терапевт предложил пройти 9-месячный курс лечения. Кто-нибудь о нем знает? это поможет избавиться от проблем с позитивным ТБ тестом?

Alla 2004

Hi v koem sluchae!!! Ne soglashaites pit antibiotiki. Vo pervix, vi ne bolni ni chem tak kak vash rentgen otritsatilni. Da, eto pravda, nam delali privivki BCG v rosiii. No kak mne skazali eto raz na raz ne prixoditsya.Inogda posli skin test eta blyamba raspuxnet, inogda nichego. Y moego myzha odin raz bila krasnota i opuxol, drugoi raz vse normalno. Eto menya vdoxnovilo na eksperiment. Ya reshila vmesto rentgena sdelat tbtest i posmotret mozhet menya proneset na etot raz.Na vsyaki sluchai reshila podstraxovatsya i sdelat to chto mne posovetovali moi russkie podrugi. Pila antiallergennie tabletki, mazala opuxol antiallergennim kremom, no nichrta ne pomoglo. Krasnota i opuxol ne proshli. Doktor posmotrel i skazal chto esli bi tolko BCG privivka bila to tak bi ruku ne razneslo, navernoe v kakoe to vremya vi bili exposed to tuberculosis. Menya poslali na rentgen i skazali ne tratit vremya i dengi i bolshe ne delat tb test. Vot tak moi eksperiment ne udalsya. No tabletki -----ni v koem sluchae ! Razve tolko esli rentgen podtverdit chto.

CBETA 2004

Аллочка, а что такое BCG? - мне, возможно, потребуется для общения с лекарем :о)

Alla 2004

Does giving BCG prevent the use of the tuberculin test in determining the presence of infection with M. tuberculosis?

This is another area of controversy . BCG converts the tuberculin test from negative to positive. Workers are split as to whether it is possible to tell the difference between a positive test due to BCG alone and a positive test due to infection with M.tuberculosis whether the individual has had previous BCG or not.

In the UK we believe it is possible to do this on the basis of the degree of positivity.(6) The USA do not use BCG partly for the reason that they do not believe it is possible to make the distinction.

The importance of this is the decision to give preventive therapy for Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI). The USA has relied on prevention by determining whether infection (without disease) is present on the basis of regular tuberculin testing for those at risk of infection such as health workers. BCG is not given as it is believed to interfere with the interpretation of the tuberculin test. Other countries, such as the UK, do give BCG but in cases where infection has occurred in addition to BCG and where the risk of disease is appreciable, such as in co-householders of Sputum Smear positive patients, preventive therapy can be given if the tuberculin test is strongly positive.(7)

Doea BCG protect against drug resistant tuberculosis

The probable answer to this is yes though evidence for this is necessarily sketchy. It is probably more effective in preventing disease than providing preventive therapy to those infected; a procedure for which there is no evidence of any efficacy at all. For health care workers who may be exposed to drug resistant tuberculosis, even a low protective efficacy of BCG would make vaccination worthwhile.

In a recent study of a mathematical model, BCG was preferred by small margin over post-infection chemoprophylaxis. Threshold for protective efficacy was 26%.

BCG should be considered for health care workers with risk of MDRTB exposure.(8,9)

CBETA 2004

супер. покажу своему терапевту. пусть ему стыдно будет. а то гнобили меня прошлым летом - сил не было.

Alla 2004

Da,da,da. Eto ya znay. Mou znakomyy tozhe dolbili. Xoteli posadit na antibiotiki. Ona im skazala otkroite knigy privivok i posmotrite kakie v kakix stanax delaut BCG.Tam Rossiya v spiske. Oni ot nee otstali. Ya bukvalno dva dnya nazad xodila na rentgen i y menya tam bilo napisano chto y menya bila privivka BCG. Menya radiology technician sprashivaet, mol, a chto eto y vas napisano BCG, eto chto takoe? Ya ei obyasnila i ona mne skazala. Oh, segodnya ya uznala chto-to novoe dlya sebya.

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