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About Boston  Андрей
   Бостон один из лучших городов Америки. Климат хороший, работы много (правда сейчас стало меньше). Ну и по красоте можно только с Сан-Франциско сравнить.
   Boston is a very nice little city. It is much smaller then Toronto. Climate is OK. A little bit too hot during the summer and a little bit too many snowstorms during the Winter Season. I have not seen 2 bedrooms for 1500 for a while. In a good area with good school it will be more like 2500. Three-bedroom house in any nice town will start from at least 350000. And it will be a little shack for this money. 3 Bedroom apartment in Brookline is around 370000 and up. If it is 3700000 it will need a lot of work. It is expensive, but looks like prices are going down, but not sharply In over all life is good here..
   tolko ne v Hudson i ne v Malboro. Esli u vas est deti, nado prismotret horoshie goroda, tipa Wellesley, Newton, Weston, i tak dalee. V nazvannih vami gorodah ugasno plohie shkoli. K tomu ge, do bostona ottuda, vovse ne rukoy podat. Jewish Community pomoget s Garbichnoy mebel'u. s rabotoy schas vezde tugo, v amerike= osobenno. A naschet torontovki posle izrailya... znau po krainey mere 6 semey/odinochek, kto tak sdelal, i vse dovolni. Na vkus i na tsvet, kak govoritsya....
    Posle moih 10 let v Izraele Boston - klassnoe mesto :-))))) No - Malboro i Hudson - ne samoe luchshee mesto v MA
   Marina Zueva
   Response for: Torontonian at 7/6/2001 10:01:00 PM
>>a Thanx for replying. We have opportunity to move to Massachusett >>s(Hudson or Marlboro), but I'm afraid "meniat shilo na mylo". >>Th >>is is what I got when moved from Israel to Toronto. By the way so >> feel majority of former Israelis whom I met here. >>I was wonderi >>ng: -How with job in Boston (in Toronto even for good programmer >>it's a problem; actually available only heavy lifting and securit >>y); >> - Is it expensive city? >> - What are prices for rent and "f >>or buy"? >> - Is Jewish community help with job or whatever (in To >>ronto JIAS helps only for themselves) >> - Any info about schools? >> >> - what about crime? >>Sol >> >>
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