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I want to find the friends from USA.  Alexey
   I want to find the friends from USA. That it is more to learn(find out) about America, its(her) culture, life to learn the language To me 26 years. I have two higher educations - veterinary doctor, lawyer. The main(basic) speciality the lawyer. I work in prosecutor's office. I am fond of computers and web-design, I attend by battle(dashing) arts of east.
    Привет Алексей. Меня зовут Ира, я живу в штате Огайо. Мне 19 лет. Я тоже ищу друзей в Америке. Если тебя заинтересовало мое письмо, пиши. Мой адрес:
   Skychno, pishi: Ya zhivy v USA yzhe god i mnogoe mogu tebe rasskazat', ploxoe i xoroshee.
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