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bancropsy  boris
   I have $13.000 balance on my credit cards.and ihave car za kotoryu i plachy, i have good job. Can I do bankropsy, to live my car and to pay to bank kotoriy gave me loan. Thank you very much.
   YOU ARE responsible for your own debts. I am not going to ask you how you managed to get into so much debt, I was in your shoes after my divorce (years and years ago, silly me, all credit cards were in my name only). Bancruptcy is a last resort, for example, if you out of job and there is no way you can make payments, then do it, but don't think that your debt will just vanish in the air, you will be paying back, there will be a bancruptcy deduction on your pay check, all this is done through court. Another thing to think about is your credit report, if you file for bancruptcy it will stay on your credit report for 10 years, so you need to understand that you won't be able to get any new credit cards or loans for a long time. You said you have a good job, so why don't you try to budget better or even put yourself on a very tight budget (that's what I've done in the past) until you pay at least some of your cards off. Feel free to e0mail me if you you want to talk more about your situation. I wish you the best of luck, I know it's tough, but it can be done.
   A zachem tebe eto, mozhno uznat'? - prosto interesno - poprobovat' chto-li? Normal'naya rabota - t.e. eti 13 shtuk eto zarplata za paru mesyatsev, nu maximum tri, pravil'no? T.e. viyplatit ih dlya tebya ne problema, prosto hochetsya 13k polozhit v karman? - no mozhno naprimer otkriyt paru kartochek s ~0% financing na polgoda, i tak dalee. Effect tot zhe, pravda nuzhno kazhdie polgoda - god novie kartochki prosit'. A uzh esli hochesh ukrast pobol'she, to pochemu biy ne otkriyt' normal'nii credit - hotya biy shtuk na 50-100, a to kak-to neser'ezno. Bankrotom zhe sebya tut ob'yavlyat' - po -moemu vse ravno chto dobrovol'no ukladiyvatsya v psihlechebnitsu chtob ot armii zakosit'. Ni dom sebe ne kupish potom, ni mashinu normal'nuu, da i voobsche... Ne ponimau. .
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