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Помогите новичку, кто знает систему изменения статуса в Америке  lana
   Response for: Kristina Rost at 5/22/2001 3:23:00 PM
I came to the state 10 month ago from the Ukraine with a fiancé visa. two month later in march we got married. My husband still didn't field the Adjust of Status because he doesn’t have time, patience to go through this paper and enough money to higher the lawyer . Everything I do have it is only Social security number, I can't get any identification because my visa has already expired. I am stuck at home and I feel unhappy. I do not have a rights to work, to learn driving or go to college. Plus I start to have a personal problem with him in a relationship. He behave like a mad sometimes, shout and swearing at me for the small stupid things. I have no rights to tell him anything and if I am trying to explain him that he kills me inside he has always the same answer to me: “What do you want to do ? Do you want to go back Ukraine ? Today, I found a pictures in his computer files of the girl who was in a house just one month ago before he came to Ukraine to get me. I couldn’t believe my eyes he was cheating on me. I met my husband 2 years ago. Also, I found that he went on a in august after 6 month of our marriage, and bunch of female names with a pictures and details which he is hidden through the special program he is using. He is a computer man and he knows everything how to hide. After all of this I have no feelings left for him. I hate to listen sometimes when he saying to me that he loves me, because it has no meaning. Now, I wish I can leave him but I can’t go back to the Ukraine where I have nothing. I lived for 6 ½ years in England where I got my Diploma and had a chance to stay and have a career there but I have left everything for him and now I can’t go back to the UK anymore. WHAT DO I DO? I heard that if I divorce with him than by the law I will have to go back Ukraine, otherwise if I want to stay in USA I have to let him abusing me up to 3 years till I can get a divorce. I can’t believe that there no any law to protect a woman like me. Please help me, WHAT DO I DO ? Thank you
   Response for: lana at 10/22/2002 1:50:00 PM
Inna, idi skoree v local office INS, na naidi adress. Podat' I-130 na izmenenie statusa stoit $140. Ob'yasni tam vse, kak est'. Po krainei mere tebya viyslushaut i dadut sovet. Tebe vse ravno s vlastyami pridetsya vstretit'sya rano ili pozdno, tyanut' bez statusa tol'ko huzhe. Voobsche konechno eto nado biylo srazu sdelat', za 10mes ne naiti pariy chasov... ...a esche ya biy pozvonil/napisal v UK, gde tiy ran'she biyla - kto-to tam zhe est' u tebya? Professor, u kotorogo diplom delala, naprimer?
   Lev Kobrin
   Response for: Inna at 5/20/2001 1:05:00 PM
Если Вы приехали по "невестинской" визе, значит Ваш муж - американский гражданин. Я не знаю в каком Вы находитесь штате, какие документы Вы подали и куда. Если Вы сделали все правильно, то во время сдачи документов Вы должны получить три аппойтмента: 1) на право на работу (примерно через 1 месяй с момента сдачи документов); 2) на отпечатки пальцев (от 10 до 30 дней) 3) на интервью (от 3 до 6 месяцев). Во время интервью Вам должны поставить в паспорте штамп, который заменяет саму грин-карту, которая приходит позже по почте. После этого Вы можете ехать куда хотите, правда желательно для поездок получить трэвэл паспорт. На гражданство Вы имеете право подавать документы через 2 года и 9 месяцев с момента получения грин-карты (штампа в паспорте во время интервью). Я думаю, что Вы что-то сделали неправильно. Позвоните мне, попробуем разобраться. Мои телефоны (305) 792-5663 или (786) 303-8114. С уважением, Лев Кобрин.
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