В чем различие между condo и Condominium
Dreyk 2004
Кто знает в чем различие между condo и Condominium?
Guest 2004
The data on condominium housing units were obtained from questionnaire item H18, which was asked on a sample basis at both occupied and vacant housing units. Condominium is a type of ownership that enables a person to own an apartment or house in a development of similarly owned units and to hold a common or joint ownership in some or all of the common areas and facilities such as land, roof, hallways, entrances, elevators, swimming pool, etc. Condominiums may be single-family houses as well as units in apartment buildings. A condominium unit need not be occupied by the owner to be counted as such. A unit classified as "mobile home or trailer" or "other" (see discussion under "Units in Structure") cannot be a condominium unit.
Limitation of the Data--Testing done prior to the 1980 and 1990 censuses indicated that the number of condominiums may be slightly overstated.
Comparability--In 1970, condominiums were grouped together with cooperative housing units, and the data were reported only for owner-occupied cooperatives and condominiums. Beginning in 1980, the census identified all condominium units and the data were shown for renter-occupied and vacant year-round condominiums as well as owner occupied. In 1970 and 1980, the question on condominiums was asked on a 100-percent basis. In 1990, it was asked on a sample basis.
Guest 2004
condominium - совладение - joint dominion over a territory; apartment building in which the apartments are individually owned; apartment in such a building
объединенный доминион над территорией; жилое здание, в котором квартиры в индивидуальном владении; квартира в таком здании
condo - квартира - condominium, apartment building in which the apartments are individually owned; apartment in such a building
совладение, жилое здание, в котором квартиры в индивидуальном владении; квартира в таком здании