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inf.  boris rizik
   Dear Sirs, Married couple, she - 65of years old in August of this year, it - 63 of year full, move to a constant residence with the status " GREEN CARD" in CHICAGO city. For specification of not clear questions, have decided to address directly to you. We would like to know 1.What's, in what money's worth, in what time and for what period the help will be rendered to us in rent habitation.2.It's possible to receive for my wife the grant(manual) on old age on achievement 65 age if is not present from what time will receive 3.What's the financial help we we shall receive monthly 4.What's health services shall use free-of-charge 5.What's and in what term there is an opportunity of reception of a free-of-charge apartment 6.What's there is an opportunity of studying of the English language 7.What's the help in charges on transport if is not present we have is right on purchase of the old cheap machine. Beforehand are very grateful to You. Family Rizik
   Response for: boris rizik at 2/6/2003 11:55:00 AM
Hi, You have several options: 1. There are many free of charge cources for study English as a second language. You can find them at your local High School, Jewish Family Service and your regional libraries. 2. Paid colleges have tuition reimbursement of 25-100% for people over 65 years old. 3. You can apply for SSI (compensation for those who are age of 65 and older and never worked in the united states). It will give you some monthly income. 4. You can sign up for subsidual living or assistant living programs, where the state will pay large part of your rent. 5. You are eligible for Medicare (health insurance, after 65 y.o.) For more info, please visit our forum at Pervoklashka
  Oak Park 
   Response for: boris rizik at 2/6/2003 11:55:00 AM
Оказывается ты на этом форуме стучишся не первый месяц. Первоклашка тебе достаточно подробно рассказала о том, что как и почему. Т.к вы едете в Чикаго, несколько добавлю. 1. В городу и окрестностях достаточно развит публичный транспорт, и машина, может быть , и не понадобится 2. С субсидированным жильем, вероятно, придется ждать долгонько, т.к еврейская община своего такого жилья не имеет, а у города положение сейчас достаточно сложное, т.к урезано финансирование социальных программ.
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