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Туризм и отдых
KSP 2002 slet v Upstate NY  Pervoklashka
   Dear KSP lovers (and haters) ! The next KSPUS slet will take place on June 8-9 2002 at the same place - Oakland Valley Campground - so far we are stuck with this place and will stay there. The tickets and the information is on the internet at the usual place - This is the 8th "marochniy" slet and you may expect a few nice surprises. 1) More foreign invited guests than ever (as usual I will not disclose any names until the very last second). 2) More portable bathrooms than you can imagine. They are for you - not only for guests. 3) New style Sunday morning concert - the details will come later. 4) Elephant distribution activities proposal is under review. I need to stress out a few important changes that you have to be aware of: - the tickets this time are a little more expensive - $25. As usual - children under 16 y/o come free. - absolutely no radios, boom boxes and other audio equipment. We will enforce this - so please do NOT bring anything like this to the forest - do not trouble troubles before troubles trouble you. - There will be absolutely NO parking in the forest - parking lots only. Be prepared to carry on your stuff from the parking lots to the forest. Shuttles will help you, of course. - if you use personal family radios - stay away from channels 1 and 14 - these channels are reserved by GOP and the camp owner. If you give the radio to your children - explain them do NOT play with it. We assume you responsible for your kids. GOP gang will monitor channel 1 and 14 usage, trace the intruders and put celibacy on them by force ! In general we expect pleasant and joyful event (as usual) - please be nice and cooperative.
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