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How to extand J1 visa  Nikita Glebov
  San Francisco 
   I'm in the USA through J1 visa , it's work and travel program , provided by CCI compani. I found a good job in San Francisco , but my visa is valid only till october , how can I extand my J1 , or switch it into anothe one , actually I justr want to know if it would be possible for me to stay in the USA longer ligally , how ?
   Lev Kobrin
   Response for: Nikita Glebov at 8/18/2003 5:52:00 PM
Nikita, hi" There is no way to extend your "J-1" visa/ However, you can try another opportunuty to stay in the United States legally. You can call me at (305) 792-5663, or (786) 303-8114, and we will discuss such posibilities. Sincerely, Lev Kobrin.
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