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employment with F1 status  Eugene
   hello i came here with an F-1 visa. everybody from my college works, although officially it is not allowed under F1 status. all the teachers know that their students work and they explained to us that the INS is just closing their eyes on this fact. first i worked for cash but lately i have accepted employment for check. they required my social security number (i do have it as I had J-1 last year and was given a SSN and they say it is for the lifetime) and so i am going to pay my taxes. everybody here says i have nothing to worry about as long as i pay taxes. is it really unimportant that still i do not have an official work permit?
   Response for: Eugene at 11/7/2003 1:04:00 PM
:) :) Either you are complete idiot or, sorry, no other options come to mind. A miy-to duraki begaem, poluchaem razresheniya, H1b, i proch i proch. ... Что ты конкретно спрашиваешь? Можно ли нелегально работать? Вдумайся в вопрос... По закону off-campus работать нельзя, за исключением OPT & CPT. Важны ли в америке законы? - да, важны. Каждый день люди превышают на highway-e скорость. Получают ли они каждый день по тикету? Нет. На моем примере - 1-2 раза в год. Но когда ты получаешь тикет, то уж по полной. Надеюсь аналогия понятна.
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